Hi, i am using Developer studio 5.3.1 and want to build “Helloworld” in WP7601G. I am using MangOH. I think, I am able to build the app.
Jan 6 01:26:49 | test[11109]/testComponent T=main | testComponent.c _testComponent_COMPONENT_INIT() 5 | Hello, world.
But i am always getting “Jan 6 01:58:16 | modemDaemon[659]/le_pa T=unknown | pa_mrc_qmi.c EventReportHandler() 1255 | Network Registration failed error code 15” error.
Could someone help me with this issue?
August 28, 2020, 1:47am
This is not related to developer studio, sometimes i saw the same message ,i just ignore it
Could you please let me know that is it still possible to build apps into WP7601G with developer studio 5.3.1? Could you please share any example with GPS reading? Thanks in advance.
August 28, 2020, 2:54pm
What is WO7601G???
Of course we can build legato apps via developer studio.
Sorry it is WP7601G module. I need some help to get example with GPS reading such as with AT commands.
August 28, 2020, 6:23pm
You can use AT!GPSFIX to start the gps fix.
You can check the status by at!gpsstatus?
To check the result, you can use at!gpsloc?
Is there any example to use AT command?
Moreover, once i installed the windows driver, it does not show the “Sierra wireless AT command port”, it should be a problem, right?
August 29, 2020, 2:10am
It should appear modem port in device manager
I have got this. I could not find AT command port.
August 29, 2020, 3:10pm
Wwan modem is the AT command port
Thanks, Is there any example?
August 31, 2020, 1:49am
Please see this file.
teraterm_gps.log (19.5 KB)
Thanks but how and where i can execute those AT commands? using Tera term to read serial COM17 where it shows the GPS readings.
September 2, 2020, 2:28am
Double click on wwan modem, you will see the port number
Thanks. I am able to execute AT command in COM port 15. It works, thanks.
Hi, I am getting errors where i am trying to run the following textLoc.c
/** @file textLoc.c
* This app illustrates a sample usage of ultra low power mode API. This app reads the current gps
* location and then sends it as a text message to a destination cell phone number. Once the text
* message has been sent, the device enters ultra low power mode. The device will wake up from
* ultra low power mode after a configurable delay.
* @note This app expects destination cell number to be specified in environment variable section
* of adef file. If nothing specified in environment variable, it will send message to a default
* non-existent phone number.
* Copyright (C) Sierra Wireless Inc.
#include "legato.h"
/* IPC APIs */
#include "interfaces.h"
This file has been truncated. show original
Could you please help with this issue?
September 10, 2020, 2:05am
I don’t see problem to compile textLoc application with Developer studio on WP76 R13 package.
You can use my application here.
textLoc.rar (734.6 KB)
Thanks, i am sorry to say that i am totally new here. I have just included the project but not able to run and debug it
Can you please walkthrough to run it?
Thanks in advance.