Something went wrong while setting up the ssh key pair for a new WP76xx module per the instructions at Login Authentication - Legato Docs. We got some error about a bad cipher after generating the keys, and are now getting the error root@ Permission denied (publickey) when trying to login. Trying to recover the target by using the instructions at has no effect (even when we toggle the TP1 pin low). We seem completely locked out. Surely there’s some way to either factory reset these things or regain control in some other way? The cipher error message is below…
(lsh:wp76Profile1) dave-k@davek-HP-ProBook-640-G1:~/leafWS2$ configtargetssh
Generating new key pair…
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/dave-k/.ssh/id_rsa.legatoTarget.
Your public key has been saved in /home/dave-k/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:GR6BqeqbL9Du586Rpq3ObvlgwF40aRCinj8AhtwFrKw dave-k’s key for Legato target devices.
The key’s randomart image is:
±–[RSA 4096]----+
|.oo… o. |
|= o.o o . |
|=o.* . o |
|=o+ o . + |
|o* o S |
|E.* . |
| =o++ |
| o*Bo. |
| =XXB |
Host found: line 3
/home/dave-k/.ssh/known_hosts updated.
Original contents retained as /home/dave-k/.ssh/known_hosts.old
Adding the target to the list of known hosts. SSH-2.0-dropbear_2017.75
(Just hit ENTER if your target doesn’t have a root password.)
/home/dave-k/.ssh/config line 10: Bad SSH2 cipher spec ‘aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,blowfish-cbc’.
(lsh:wp76Profile1) dave-k@davek-HP-ProBook-640-G1:~/leafWS2$
Still getting the same “root@ Permission denied (publickey)” after installing R12 legato, the linux.cwe from the same package, then resetting the device partition, all using swiflash with the TP1 pin held low.
Surely there’s something that works to factory reset these things? What does Sierra expect people to do, throw out perfectly good hardware because it has some configuration issue? If so (and I can’t imagine why that would be so) I don’t understand why the target recovery page is still up. If not why they haven’t gotten around to fixing the broken recovery process after this length of time?
can you put some files in /home/root, and then run the swiflash in R12, and then make sure the user partition is erased and then the files in /home/root will disappear?
Not sure what you mean since I can’t connect to put files there. Do you mean rebuilding and reinstalling our application (using swiflash) with some test files included via one of the xdef files? Thanks…
That’s the command we’re using, with the -r option. Note it doesn’t actually work for us unless we specify the physical port for some reason as you can see below. I don’t know if the download failed message indicates a real error or not since as far as I understand it this process does not do a firmware download, essentially the error is just a timeout?
Also I’m not entirely sure what you mean about the UART console - do you mean one of the /dev/ttyUSB ports? Or /dev/ttyAT? Is there some legato doc you can point me to that shows how to use it? Thanks.
~/leafWS2/leaf-data/wp76Profile1/wp76-legato$ swiflash -m $LEGATO_TARGET -r
Detecting USB of the target
No device connected
~/leafWS2/leaf-data/wp76Profile1/wp76-legato$ swiflash -m $LEGATO_TARGET -r -p /dev/serial/by-path/pci-0000:00:14.0-usb-0:4:1.0-port0
Detecting USB of the target
Communicating with the target
Switching to firmware download mode
Downloading the firmware
…ERROR: Firmware Download failed. Callback status 59399DONE
ERROR: Firmware Download Failed
Unfortunately we don’t have access to a UART console. Also swiflash in Windows doesn’t work any better than the linux version does (at this point after several months of nothing but constant wrestling with tools that don’t work and documentation that’s either out of date or just wrong I’d have been almost gobsmacked if it did). Some error about failing in the streaming download stage:
I’m pretty sure it was running R12 since I don’t recall seeing any error messages when we downgraded, although there is an error message when using swiflash with the -r option (see below). Anyway I tried with R9 and am getting the same result, with 2 different modules.
(lsh:wp76Profile1) dave-k@davek-HP-ProBook-640-G1:~/leafWS2/leaf-data/wp76Profile1/wp76-legato$ swiflash -m $LEGATO_TARGET -i ‘/home/dave-k/leafWS2/leaf-data/current/wp76-image/legato/legato.cwe’
Detecting USB of the target
No device connected
(lsh:wp76Profile1) dave-k@davek-HP-ProBook-640-G1:~/leafWS2/leaf-data/wp76Profile1/wp76-legato$ swiflash -m $LEGATO_TARGET -i ‘/home/dave-k/leafWS2/leaf-data/current/wp76-image/legato/legato.cwe’ -p /dev/serial/by-path/pci-0000:00:14.0-usb-0:9:1.0-port0
Detecting USB of the target
Communicating with the target
Switching to firmware download mode
Downloading the firmware
Rebooting the module
Firmware Download SUCCESS
(lsh:wp76Profile1) dave-k@davek-HP-ProBook-640-G1:~/leafWS2/leaf-data/wp76Profile1/wp76-legato$ swiflash -m $LEGATO_TARGET -r -p /dev/serial/by-path/pci-0000:00:14.0-usb-0:9:1.0-port0
Detecting USB of the target
Communicating with the target
Switching to firmware download mode
Downloading the firmware
…ERROR: Firmware Download failed. Callback status 59399DONE
ERROR: Firmware Download Failed
Unfortunately the only other linux box I have access to at the moment is a virtualbox one and I’m not sure swiflash has ever worked correctly on it. I’m going to have to try this on a different physical linux box when I get a chance in the next few days.