We have a WP8 modem which has stopped its communication with AirVantage for 2 month now.
We retrieved the box and we tried to force the connection with AT commands. But we always end up with the same response. For information the data connection is up and i can ping google + my application with AWS is running OK.
Here is the WDSS result
root@0F0DC35937XXXXXXXXX:~# echo -e “AT+WDSS=1,1\r” > /dev/ttyAT
+WDSI: 4
+WDSI: 5
+WDSI: 8
+WDSI: 4
+WDSI: 5
+WDSI: 8
+WDSI: 4
+WDSI: 5
+WDSI: 7
+WDSI: 8
+WDSI: 4
+WDSI: 5
+WDSI: 4
+WDSI: 5
+WDSI: 4
+WDSI: 5
+WDSI: 7
It seems like it is a refused authentication from the server, see here : How to configure my AirPrime module for AirVantage? - av - Sierra Wireless
We’ve tried a RMARESET=OEM but nothing changed.
Is there something we can try? Should i contact sierra for a checkup on the server side? ( see here Airvantage data pushing failure - #15 by Dharma )
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,