Issue building image for wp76xx

Issue 1 :

ilan@ilan:~/wp7611_leaf$ leaf profile -v
│ Workspace: /home/ilan/wp7611_leaf │
│ Profile: SWI-WP76 [current] (sync) │
│ Environment │ LEAF_PROFILE=SWI-WP76 │
│ │ LEGATO_SRC=tag │
│ Packages │ Identifier │ Description │
│ Included │ swi-wp76_6.0.0 │ SDK for WP76 (Release 17 + Legato 21.05.2.rc2) │
│ Dependencies │ swi-cloneutils_5.0.210118 │ │
│ │ wp76-legato-src_21.05.2.rc2-internal │ Legato source code metadata and prerequisites │
│ │ wp76-toolchain_SWI9X07Y_03.01.07.00-linux64 │ GCC cross compiler Toolchain for WP76 │
│ │ wp76-modem-image_17 │ Modem Firmware Image for WP76 │
│ │ wp76-linux-image_SWI9X07Y_03.01.07.00 │ Linux Image for WP76 │
│ │ swi-legato_1.4.191225 │ Settings for Legato │
│ │ swi-vscode-support_200624 │ VS Code features support for legacy SDKs │

leaf getsrc swi-legato
and getting this error:

Something went wrong when trying to connect to ssh://XXXXX@gerrit.legato:29418/manifest

this is strange since as I know sierra stopped using gerrit, why it’s trying to access that?

issue 2 :

leaf getsrc swi-linux

error: Cannot checkout msm-4.14: ManifestInvalidPathError: /home/ilan/wp7611_leaf/swi-linux-src/kernel/arch/arm/mach-msm: traversing symlinks not allow

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i remember i don’t see problem to download swi-wp76_6.0.0 in VSCode+Leaf

notice I want to compile Yocto + Legato image (BSP) , I described the steps I did , am I missing somthing ?

no idea…

Will you consider the yocto source here?

Did you have up to date R17 Yocto guide?

what do you mean by yocto guide?

building custom Yocto from source similar to attached one, this is obsolete from the Gerrit servers EOL.
so please provide build guide from source for custom Yocto and Legato.
Building_Dev_System_Leaf_Legato_Yocto.pdf (191.5 KB)

you just need to download the yocto source and from the link above, and then extract it and type “make”

For building legato, I would suggest you use VSCode+Leaf to download the package, and then compile the legato image inside the “leaf shell”

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The Yocto don’t need to build into leaf shell, yeh?

that is correct.
yocto is built separately

In my experience not being able to traverse symlinks is an issue with the repo version.
You can try using a known-good version of repo and pull the manifest manually.
Replace the manifest in the example below with whichever one you require.

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
$ python3 ~/bin/repo init -u ssh:// -m mdm9x06/tags/SWI9X06Y_02.36.07.00/linux.xml -g default,-cache,proprietary ; repo sync

seems to be building well, thanks!
now if I take a modem and update the Yocto only, I may have an issue of Legato is not compatible.

which legato should I add to the SPK file ? (regarding SWI9X06Y_02.36.07.00)

Which release version are you using?