Hey i have a problem I was using my MangOH red with the newest Firmware provided at: mangOH Red Resources - Software - mangOH which is using legato version 20.04.0
After using the I2C bus to speak to a LCD i noticed that after a few hours of use the I2C bus tends to block itself.
My Problem now is that the new Firmware uses legato 18.06.4 and in order to see if the I2C problem has been fixed i need to recompile my apps for version 18.06.4. But when compiling i get following error:
/home/reinhard/myLeafWorkspace/CL_Agents/apps/IF_Health.api:4:0: error: missing EOF at u’STRUCT’
In my IF_Health.api file i have a bunch of STRUCT definitions.
I am able to compile the Code for version 20.04.0 without any problems. Is STRUCT not supported for older Versions?
Ok i searched through the docs and it seems that the STRUCT option wasn’t yet added on Version 18.
But more important question how do i fix the i2c bus issue? Log tells me the following:
qup_i2c qup_i2c.0: Bus still busy, status 132100
qup_i2c qup_i2c.0: Transaction timed out, SL-AD = 0x27
According to the MangOH forum it seems to be a reocurring problem
I did that, but now i have the problem using STRUCT in the Api file. (Cause the supposedly newest firmware uses Legato 18 which doesn’t support STRUCT yet)
When using this version i can compile without problems but get the error that the I2C blocks itself after a few minutes/hours. (Giving me following message: qup_i2c qup_i2c.0: Bus still busy, status 132100
qup_i2c qup_i2c.0: Transaction timed out, SL-AD = 0x27)
“I search in “leaf search” , there is already some package is using legato 20 for WP8548”
I know that, but don’t i also need to run legato application framework 20.08 on my device to be able to use it? And there isn’t an official release for that.