Legato Framework 19.09.0 not building

I am new to Legato framework. Just received my mangOH Red and following the Startup instructions.
Following that, I have updated the Legato Application Framework to 19.09.0. I tried to do build for Mangoh Red and getting error for not able to build rtosComponentBuildScript.cpp.

error: ‘model::MemPoolSize_t’ has not been decleared

I am not sure, if there is compatibility issue here.
Any help is appreciated.


Welcome! Can you please provide additional detail what module you have and what tools you are using to build?

I have MangOH Red with WP7601 on it.

What I did so far:

  1. Created VM based on the image published on the website.

  2. Was able to build the update package out of the box.

  3. I updated the mangOH using “git pull && git submodule update --init” . Thats when I see the error as below:

/home/mangoh/legato_framework/legato/modules/WiFi/service/daemon/Component.cdef:15:4: error: Couldn’t find source file ‘/home/mangoh/legato_framework/legato/modules/WiFi/service/platformAdaptor//home/mangoh/legato_framework/legato/modules/WiFi/service/platformAdaptor/ti/pa_wifi.sh/pa_wifi_client_ti.c
Makefile:131: recipe for target ‘red_wp76xx’ failed


In line 15, change to the followings:

// {LEGATO_WIFI_ROOT}/service/platformAdaptor/{LEGATO_WIFI_PA}/pa_wifi_client_ti.c
// {LEGATO_WIFI_ROOT}/service/platformAdaptor/{LEGATO_WIFI_PA}/pa_wifi_ap_ti.c

{LEGATO_WIFI_ROOT}/service/platformAdaptor/ti/pa_wifi_client_ti.c {LEGATO_WIFI_ROOT}/service/platformAdaptor/ti/pa_wifi_ap_ti.c