I’m trying to setup a download station to load my legato app in WP7603 in a production environment. This process is very long partly due to the fact I need to wait more than 30s just for the initial enumeration to be complete this is really impacting my production timing.
I checked the FDT application note: https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airprime/software/fdt/#sthash.ArWVI3yF.dpbs
but I didn’t find any info to help improving this timing…
Is there any way to shorten the enumeration and be able to start the download faster?
Hi, hopes below steps could fulfill your requirement:
Boot up module with Pin 47 pull low corresponding to MangOH Green SW401 multi-switch signal control jumper 7, then module will boot up in Boot&Hold mode with only DM port available.