I tried to work Assisted-GNSS(MS-Based mode) on WP7605.
the source code is “agps.txt”
Problem 1
About “GnssPositionHandlerFunction”,
this function is called several times from startup.
But, it will not be called in the middle.
(Not Using Assited-GNSS, this function does not stop)
why stop?
I want to know how I can continue to measure the position.
Problem 2
Position calculation is slow for Assisted-GNSS.
It takes a few minutes.
I want to know how to make it faster.
Please tell me what I should do.
Best regards, Akihito Fujikake. agps.txt (1.1 KB)
I hadn’t tried.
Sorry for my ignorance.
Attachment “gnss_command” is what I tried.
I entered “gnss get posInfo” every 15s(total 45s). But, here is not where i am.