Gnss bad position indication

Hello everyone,

In the GPS experiment I conducted, using the GPS example as a reference legato-af/apps/sample/gpsApp at master · legatoproject/legato-af · GitHub , I sometimes encounter the warning message:

swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[4791]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication
swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[4791]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication
swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[4791]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication
swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[4791]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication
swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[4791]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication
swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[4791]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication

It seems to be stuck in the warning loop. I have no idea why this warning is being triggered. To resolve this issue, I want to stop the GNSS service. I believe this is caused by the le_gnss_GetLocation API.

When I try the command gnss get posInfo during this error, I don’t receive any response. I have implemented a timeout, but is there a way to handle this?

Thank you

if you use AT!GPFIX at this time, does it work?

Does it help with the following command to restart gnss function?

gnss <enable/disable>
gnss <start/stop>

If I encounter the error again, I will try it. Sometimes I get this warning. Also, it doesn’t use enable/disable in the example. The GNSS service only starts and stops. Moreover, it doesn’t return a bad position; it writes it to the screen as a log. So, I don’t know where it occurred.

then what is the actual impact?

It keeps trying and doesn’t stop. Therefore, when I encounter this, I need to handle it.

When I encountered the same warning again, I followed your suggestion. I disabled/enabled GNSS and stopped/started it; however, I still don’t receive any response with ‘gnss.get_posInfo’. This log keeps appearing every second.

 16:43:37 user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[1280]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication
 16:43:38 user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[1280]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication
 16:43:39 user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[1280]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication


 16:57:06 user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[1280]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication
 16:57:07 user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[1280]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication
 16:57:08 user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon[1280]/le_pa_gnss T=unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler() 1540 | Bad position indication

if you use AT!GPSFIX at this time, does it work?