FX30 spisvc ko cannot insmod [SOLVED]

After building spisvc as explained in “Out of tree kernel modules” section in Legato Reference manual, I fail to insmod the ko file.

a dmesg gives the following log:
[ 497.690889] spisvc: version magic '3.14.29ltsi-a00e464379_b0ce579abb preempt mod_unload ARMv7 ’ should be '3.14.29ltsi-a00e464379_3f15cd39ad preempt mod_unload ARMv7 ’

is it a matter of kernel version? and how can i solve it?

in the tutorial it says:
Ensure the kernel sources version used to compile the module matches the kernel version running on the target.”

So how to assure that?!


So it turned out kernel version must match.

Download the latest firmware "WP85xx & WP75xx Firmware Packages - Release 14 " at https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/legato/wpfirmwarerelease14/

update FX30 with above downloaded firmware: $fwupdate download WPx5xx_Release14_GENERIC_SPK.spk

this will install legato 16.10.3, and the kernel in the update

check kernel version after login to FX30 $uname -r
resulte: 3.14.29ltsi-961ca71325_ab5094eade

In Developer studio download the package "legato for wp85/wp75 R14 (16.10.3…)

just to make sure that package contains the right tool-chain search in the directory where it was downloaded for the kernel version taken from above “3.14.29ltsi-961ca71325_ab5094eade”

If found proceed to building the modules as described in the legato reference manual. The only thing is that in the final step instead of a “$make” command, issue “make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-”

after that “#insmod spisvc.ko” worked perfectly and now an “#ls /dev/sp*” shows

Also in Developer studio under Device->Application, spiService can now run without errors. (previously it exited complaining there’s no /dev/spidev0.0)


I suspect it is with the kernel version mismatch with which the module got build.

I am a newbie in that… how can I update the kernel on the device to match the one m building with?

someone on this forum suggested to modify /etc/modules and add spidev
seems loaded now.

root@fx30:~# lsmod | grep spi
spidev 6108 0 - Live 0xbf076000