we are testing recording via I2S interface on WP76xx. Although we are setting le_audio_OpenI2sRx(LE_AUDIO_I2S_STEREO) the file only records mono instead of stereo.
The Product Specification is listing I2S to be capable doing stereo. Is this correct?
We also followed le_audio_OpenI2sRx which calls pa_audio_SetI2sChannelMode to set the mode, but we can’t find pa_audio_SetI2sChannelMode in the legato sources. There is only the simulation version of it.
Where is the source code for pa_audio_SetI2sChannelMode?
The slave is sending data for the left and right channel. At the moment these are some values to check if both channels are in the recording, but we are missing one channel in the recording.
We confirmed that the slave is sending it correctly by measuring it with an oscilloscope.
So why is one channel missing?
I already read in another post for wp75, that it’s only capable of recording mono. Does this also apply to the wp76?
The slave is a ADC with 2 channels, 16 bit/channel. So it’s stereo.
We are able to send defined 16 bit words for each channel from the slave to the wp76.
We are sending 0x1111 and 0x3333 for one channel and 0x2222 and 0xa00a for the other channel.
In the file that we are recording, we can see the following:
So you can clearly see, that a channel is missing.
We measured it with the oscilloscope and can confirm that the slave is indeed sending the two channels: