my WP7607 application uses le_mrc_GetServingCellLocAreaCode() to retrieve the cell location.
This works fine for GSM and UMTS data connections, but, always returns UINT32_MAX for LTE data connections.
Can this API call return valid cell location values for LTE data connections, or not?
Nov 14 14:14:09 | modemDaemon[860]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c swiQmi_CheckResponse() 789 | QMI_NAS_GET_SYS_INFO_REQ_MSG_V01 sent to Modem
Nov 14 14:14:09 | modemDaemon[860]/le_pa T=main | pa_mrc_qmi.c pa_mrc_GetCurrentNetwork() 2858 | LTE information is valid.
Nov 14 14:14:09 | modemDaemon[860]/le_pa T=main | pa_mrc_qmi.c pa_mrc_GetCurrentNetwork() 2901 | MCC.206, MNC.10
Nov 14 14:14:09 | modemDaemon[860]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c swiQmi_CheckResponse() 789 | QMI_NAS_GET_CELL_LOCATION_INFO_REQ_MSG_V01 sent to Modem
Nov 14 14:14:09 | modemDaemon[860]/le_pa T=main | pa_mrc_qmi.c pa_mrc_GetServingCellLocAreaCode() 5978 | Main cell information is void!
Nov 14 14:14:09 | modemDaemon[860]/modemDaemon T=main | le_mrc.c le_mrc_GetServingCellLocAreaCode() 4807 | Cannot retrieve the serving cell Identifier!