Unable to download linux distro source


Not able to download linux distribution source :

I wanted to add can-utils in my linux image. I am unable to download the linux distribution source from the sierra wireless website - https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airprime/software/wp76xx/wp76xx-firmware-release-13,-d-,1-components/#sthash.HVrsgnL0.dpbs

I am getting following error. I have tried this multiple times in the past few weeks. Getting Not found error :

Please help me. Me and my team have been stuck on this for quite some time now.

Devanshu Agarwal

@jyijyi I have seen your posts and followed the instructions provided by you for CAN Talon IOT board. Please help me if you have any suggestions.

You can see here

Thanks for your reply @jyijyi .

I am getting this error when running leaf getsrc legato command:

My python version is 3.6.9 and ubuntu versin is 16.04

Others make it work on ubuntu18