SSH via ethernet

Hi, I want make ssh-connection to MangOH red via ethernet. I had no luck when connected MangOH with microusb-ethernet-adapter. Is it possible to make ssh-connection that way? I read that ssh is disabled on default on interfaces other than usb0. Should I somehow enable ssh for ethernet to make it work with microusb-ethernet-adapter?

For that to work the MangOH would need to have the drivers for the ethernet adapter.

This is how I do it.

  1. Open Ubuntu 16.04 virtualbox
  2. Connect micro USB to MangOH
  3. Wait for enumeration - can check with ‘ping’
  4. ssh root@

For me the enumeration does not work if the virtual box owns the USB device.
This should work straight out of the box. SSH is disabled over the mobile network by default, but it is enabled over USB.

Hi @Elmo,
did you solve your issue, following the previous recommendations?
Best regards,