The app had been installed on wp7702 already before. I updated the .c source code in the development environment, saved it, and tried to re-compile the code by “mkapp -t wp77xx sqlTest.adef”, but the command returned “ninja: no work to do.”
(lsh:wp76_r9_toolchain) mangoh@mangoh-vm:~/Desktop/myWorkspace/sqlTest$ mkapp -t wp77xx sqlTest.adef
ninja: no work to do.
(lsh:wp76_r9_toolchain) mangoh@mangoh-vm:~/Desktop/myWorkspace/sqlTest$ mkapp -t wp76 sqlTest.adef -i “$LEGATO_ROOT/third-party/inc” -L “$LEGATO_ROOT/third-party/lib/”
** WARNING: Failed to receive sysroot path from compiler ‘gcc --print-sysroot’ (errno: Success).
ninja: error: ‘/home/mangoh/Desktop/myWorkspace/leaf-data/wp76_r9_toolchain/wp76-legato/build/wp76/framework/lib/’, needed by ‘_build_sqlTest/wp76/staging/read-only/lib/’, missing and no known rule to make it