Logging WP7702 strange error repeating

I’m logging to a syslog server operations of WP7702, as you can see in figure there are some actions generating errors. The device seems to start some sort of suspend but it goes bad. This is not on my code, system seems he is tring to do something…

Someone view this errors before?


Do you see this if connecting usb cable?
What ia the actual effect to you?

No… this errors are present only when on field… with USB connected there are no errors of this kind.
On my side i note no effects… device remain responsive… I’m just scared about this errors… but if you think are not important… it’s ok.


How about typing this after power on?

echo NO_SLEEP > /sys/power/wake_lock

Yes… this solved.

Thank you so much.

BTW, you can also see if disabling the HSIC feature can solve the problem:


Hi @jyijyi ,

I want to disable HSIC. It is enabled by default on the modem. I used the le_atClient API in the source code to disable it. However, after disabling it, is a reset required? Is there another way to disable it by default?

no, i think you need to reboot the device after setting AT!CUSTOM=“HSICENABLE”,0
I have just made a test with WP77 module with USB thumb drive on mangoh red board, after AT!CUSTOM=“HSICENABLE”,0, it can still read the USB thumb drive.

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Is there another way to disable by default? For example, can I create a new image with HSIC disabled? Resetting again after the system starts prolongs our initial connection time.

You can write a legato application to check during every power on

Yes, I did it this way. I disable it on the first power on. If I send the AT!RESET command, Legato restarts. I wonder if I can get rid of that. Thank you for your suggestion.

no, i think you need to reboot the device after setting AT!CUSTOM=“HSICENABLE”,0

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