I understand there are le_data_GetDate and time interfaces available to get network time from framework 17.10.x. But what are the ways to do this in 16.10.x framework.Since I am using mangoh red board which do not support higher versions(17.10.x)
P Tulasi Krishna.
You can also check in AT command port that if the modem has update the network time after registered to the network. (+CTZU is for Automatic Time Zone Update)
+cclk: “18/06/08,01:35:13+32”
+CTZU: 1
Thank you.I want to save the time to a variable as well. so can I use them in a program say
var = at+cclk?
You need to remember that the commands that jyijyi is giving you is at commands and need to be send to the codec on /dev/ttysmd8 (or the symlink at /dev/ttyAT). Therefore you will most likely need to add some serial port support into your application to be able to communicate with it. Or maybe use the legato AT command interface, but that I haven’t used myself.
Yes.I will follow below link AT Commands Client - Legato Docs for accessing through atcommand interface.I need this only for one AT command.Rest of the things I am able to do with legato interfaces without AT commands.
P Tulasi Krishna.