Issue on the bluetooth on mangOh yellow device wp7702 modem

root@swi-mdm9x28-wp:~# bluemoon
Bluemoon configuration utility ver 5.50
Failed to open HCI user channel
i am faceing the issue when i want to start an blutoothctl it is not working in the mangoh yellow board any driver issues

you can see here:

Dear @jyijyi

After adding the BluetoothServices application it is getting same problem and when i give the bluetoothctl it is not taking up the any ble devices to scan and connect to the device.
root@swi-mdm9x28-wp:~# app status
[running] NtagDhubIf
[running] actions
[running] atAirVantage
[running] atQmiLinker
[running] atService
[running] audioService
[running] avcService
[stopped] aws_demo
[running] battery
[stopped] bluetoothSensorTag
[running] bluetoothServices
[running] button
[running] buzzer
[running] canopen
[running] cellNetService
[running] cloudInterface
[running] dataConnectionService
[running] dataHub
[running] diagnostic
[running] environment
[running] fwupdateService
[running] gpioService
[running] helloYellow
[running] imu
[running] io
[running] leds
[running] light
[running] location
[running] modbus
[running] modemService
[stopped] ntag
[running] orp
[running] portService
[running] positioningService
[running] powerMgr
[running] qmiAirVantage
[running] router
[running] secStore
[stopped] smsInboxService
[stopped] spiService
[running] timer
[stopped] tools
[running] usp
[running] util
[running] vegasMode
[running] virtual
[stopped] voiceCallService
[stopped] wifi
[running] wifiService
root@swi-mdm9x28-wp:~# bluemoon
Bluemoon configuration utility ver 5.50
Failed to open HCI user channel
root@swi-mdm9x28-wp:~# blue
bluemoon bluetoothctl
root@swi-mdm9x28-wp:~# bluetoothctl

I saw other user can make it work