I am using Release R13.1 for wp7608. I want to add can-utils in the linux image. How should I download linux source and make the necessary changes? I am new to building custom yocto images, detailed steps would be appreciated.
I followed following links:
I am able to run the repo init command succesfully:
@Pankaj after downloading the Source code from drive location I am getting same ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘_sqlite3’ when I run the make command.
Tried the suggested option seems its still looking into the python 3.6 directory for the sqlite .so file. his host ubuntu version 16.04 supports python 2.7.12 which does’nt seems to go well with the linux source code
After flashing the shared image I am not able to SSH. Not able to figure out what is causing this issue. Reverting to older Linux solves my SSH problem.