I am trying to access the positioning service from a Go app and I’m stuck on starting the positioning service. Generally, how do you use Legato services from 3rd party apps (in my case a Go app)?
I am using bundles
to package the app or just copy the binary to the mangOH green to see whether it works at all.
When I run the app I get le_posCtrl_ConnectService() not called for current thread
. I’m assuming that I need to start the positioning service somehow and that this is achieved through the bindings
section in the .adef
$ cat Makefile
build: clean
CC=$(CC) GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 CGO_ENABLED=1 go build
scp: build
scp gps root@
instapp: build
mkapp -v -t wp750x gps.adef
instapp gps.wp750x.update
ifgen --gen-interface --gen-client --gen-local $(LEGATO_ROOT)/interfaces/positioning/le_pos.api
ifgen --gen-interface --gen-client --gen-local $(LEGATO_ROOT)/interfaces/positioning/le_posCtrl.api
rm -f *.o
rm -f gps
$ cat gps.adef
sandboxed: false
version: 1.0.0
[x] gps /bin/gps
( gps )
$ cat /go/src/gps/main.go
package main
#cgo CFLAGS: -I/legato/framework/c/inc
#cgo LDFLAGS: -L/legato/build/wp750x/framework/lib -llegato
#include <stdio.h>
#include "legato.h"
#include "le_pos_interface.h"
#include "le_posCtrl_interface.h"
import "C"
import "log"
import "time"
func main() {
log.Print("Starting gps")
// this never returns
// log.Print("Calling le_posCtrl_ConnectService()")
// C.le_posCtrl_ConnectService()
log.Print("Calling le_posCtrl_Requst()")
ref := C.le_posCtrl_Request()
if ref == nil {
log.Fatal("Cannot activate positioning service")
defer C.le_posCtrl_Release(ref)
var lat, lon, acc C.int
for {
log.Println("Calling le_pos_Get2DLocation")
res2 := C.le_pos_Get2DLocation(&lat, &lon, &acc)
log.Printf("le_pos_Get2DLocation: res: %d lat: %d lon: %d acc: %d\n", res2, lat, lon, acc)
Running make
and copying the file to and running it returns
Jun 9 22:30:00 swi-mdm9x15 user.emerg Legato: *EMR* | _UNKNOWN_[8337]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME GetCurrentSessionRef() 320 | le_posCtrl_ConnectService() not called for current thread
Adding a call to le_posCtrl_ConnectService()
at the start never returns.
I’ve then tried adding generic bindings to the gps.adef
file but with no success.
*.le_posCtrl -> positioningService.le_posCtrl
*.le_pos -> positioningService.le_pos
mkapp -v -t wp750x gps.adef
/go/src/gps/gps.adef:27:6: error: No such client-side pre-built interface 'le_posCtrl'.
I’m probably missing something obvious or this isn’t possible. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Update 1: I am using Legato 16.10.3 on a mangOH green with a WP750x