I am having mangOH board with WP85xx series.
I have created legato application project in that, I am trying to use le_dataConnection API but it is giving error as below:
Function ‘le_data_TryConnectService’ could not be resolved
Type ‘le_data_RequestObjRef_t’ could not be resolved
my source code :
extern "C"{
#include "legato.h"
#include "interfaces.h"
extern "C"
LE_INFO("Initializing component started.");
le_result_t res;
le_data_RequestObjRef_t ref;
res = le_data_TryConnectService();
I have check all current bindings and services available with mangOH device , details as below:
root@swi-mdm9x15:~# sdir list
<root>.sdirTool -> <root>.sdirTool
<root>.LogClient -> <root>.LogClient
<root>.LogControl -> <root>.LogControl
<root>.le_sup_ctrl -> <root>.le_sup_ctrl
<root>.le_sup_wdog -> <root>.le_sup_wdog
<root>.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.le_cfgAdmin -> <root>.le_cfgAdmin
<root>.le_update -> <root>.le_update
<root>.le_updateCtrl -> <root>.le_updateCtrl
<root>.le_appRemove -> <root>.le_appRemove
<root>.le_instStat -> <root>.le_instStat
<root>.le_appInfo -> <root>.le_appInfo
<root>.le_appProc -> <root>.le_appProc
<root>.appSmack -> <root>.appSmack
<root>.logFd -> <root>.logFd
<root>.le_fwupdate -> <root>.le_fwupdate
<root>.avcDaemon.avcDaemon.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.avcDaemon.avcDaemon.le_appInfo -> <root>.le_appInfo
<root>.avcDaemon.appCfg.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_update -> <root>.le_update
<root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_instStat -> <root>.le_instStat
<root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_appRemove -> <root>.le_appRemove
<root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_sup_ctrl -> <root>.le_sup_ctrl
<root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_appInfo -> <root>.le_appInfo
<root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.cellNetService.cellNetService.le_sim -> <root>.le_sim
<root>.cellNetService.cellNetService.le_mrc -> <root>.le_mrc
<root>.cellNetService.cellNetService.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.dcsDaemon.dataConnectionService.le_mdc -> <root>.le_mdc
<root>.dcsDaemon.dataConnectionService.le_mrc -> <root>.le_mrc
<root>.dcsDaemon.dataConnectionService.le_sim -> <root>.le_sim
<root>.dcsDaemon.dataConnectionService.le_cellnet -> <root>.le_cellnet
<root>.dcsDaemon.dataConnectionService.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.gpioService.sysfsGpio.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.modemDaemon.modemDaemon.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.modemDaemon.modemDaemon.le_pm -> <root>.le_pm
<root>.posDaemon.posDaemon.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.secStore.appCfg.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.secStore.secStoreDaemon.le_appInfo -> <root>.le_appInfo
<root>.secStore.secStoreDaemon.le_update -> <root>.le_update
<root>.smsInboxService.smsInboxService.le_sim -> <root>.le_sim
<root>.smsInboxService.smsInboxService.le_sms -> <root>.le_sms
<root>.smsInboxService.smsInboxService.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.cm.cm.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
<root>.cm.cm.le_data -> <root>.le_data
<root>.cm.cm.le_mrc -> <root>.le_mrc
<root>.cm.cm.le_mdc -> <root>.le_mdc
<root>.cm.cm.le_sim -> <root>.le_sim
<root>.cm.cm.le_sms -> <root>.le_sms
<root>.cm.cm.le_info -> <root>.le_info
<root>.cm.cm.le_adc -> <root>.le_adc
<root>.cm.cm.le_temp -> <root>.le_temp
<root>.cm.cm.le_ips -> <root>.le_ips
<root>.cm.cm.le_rtc -> <root>.le_rtc
<root>.fwupdate.fwupdate.le_fwupdate -> <root>.le_fwupdate
<root>.gnss.gnss.le_gnss -> <root>.le_gnss
<root>.gnss.gnss.le_pos -> <root>.le_pos
<root>.gnss.gnss.le_posCtrl -> <root>.le_posCtrl
<root>.pmtool.pmtool.le_ulpm -> <root>.le_ulpm
<root>.pmtool.pmtool.le_bootReason -> <root>.le_bootReason
<root>.pmtool.pmtool.le_pm -> <root>.le_pm
<root>.secstore.secstore.secStoreAdmin -> <root>.secStoreAdmin
<root>.voiceCallService.voiceCallService.le_mcc -> <root>.le_mcc
<root>.voiceCallService.voiceCallService.le_audio -> <root>.le_audio
<root>.wifi.wifi.le_wifiClient -> <root>.le_wifiClient
<root>.wifi.wifi.le_wifiAp -> <root>.le_wifiAp
<root>.wifiApTest.wifiApTestComponent.le_wifiAp -> <root>.le_wifiAp
<root>.wifiClientTest.wifiClientTestComponent.le_wifiClient -> <root>.le_wifiClient
<root>.wifiWebAp.wifiWebApComponent.le_wifiAp -> <root>.le_wifiAp
DemoApplication.LogClient -> <root>.LogClient
DemoApp2.LogClient -> <root>.LogClient
<root>.sdirTool (protocol ID = 'sdirTool', max message size = 268 bytes)
<root>.logFd (protocol ID = '117ace8de217d75449a4c9698a82d4a9', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.LogClient (protocol ID = 'LogControlProtocol', max message size = 300 bytes)
<root>.LogControl (protocol ID = 'LogControlProtocol', max message size = 300 bytes)
<root>.le_cfg (protocol ID = '8a26e6c5c2c76df02e412df515bd9f71', max message size = 1604 bytes)
<root>.le_cfgAdmin (protocol ID = '8732700875243b723b2ffcd56f807ae9', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_update (protocol ID = 'aa0702b2ee62b2e6b86f1b71708b329e', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_appRemove (protocol ID = '00c84606e1c1359c8fff5a3e96f4eff0', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_instStat (protocol ID = '0948327abc5d498775520952fe46cf5c', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_updateCtrl (protocol ID = '06d0977d4bb4d01afda6237bd33c0b9c', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_sup_ctrl (protocol ID = 'fa6bf8cc16759825710163005fdfbe9e', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_sup_wdog (protocol ID = '097fbccd0328ad2605764aecdd9339bc', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_appInfo (protocol ID = 'f92de62899eb1ab8e72119f371ac3fb7', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_appProc (protocol ID = 'a39440605262ba21c1ad7f777ffc885b', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_wdog (protocol ID = '389c20913bdeb5d3928d55f3852135b3', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_atClient (protocol ID = 'e02481d04f4b91a87b46b5ae8468b7e6', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_pm (protocol ID = 'd4432c316b20d70444f61e31f53f03e7', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_ulpm (protocol ID = '0396910cefbe1c3cb64549056dee1dfa', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_bootReason (protocol ID = '7d55f7e527797be860b5666644f27973', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_atServer (protocol ID = 'b95fb6329638c9229f619e0396d97c6a', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_fwupdate (protocol ID = '7c948360e1df2b6ba4a92c34f9e6c335', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_wifiClient (protocol ID = 'da0707db4fe4d07b1340d39e73eaf032', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_wifiAp (protocol ID = '4ff3f438efca01cdc1878a61cd15932c', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_secStore (protocol ID = '8b8edad7c68f1db9dd23ab6aa7286bc1', max message size = 8504 bytes)
<root>.secStoreAdmin (protocol ID = 'ea2df07974fddb1e29ff0ea75b056fd0', max message size = 8504 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin2 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin6 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin7 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin8 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin13 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin21 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin22 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin23 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin24 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin25 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin32 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin33 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin38 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin39 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin40 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin41 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gpioPin42 (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_info (protocol ID = 'b95387f00f48c76d024c6d9d0f66b852', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_sms (protocol ID = 'd26b22be0fe85bc15a90af10f7d8a763', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_mrc (protocol ID = '74bd62afd4fc83a23e68a6e7230749f7', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_sim (protocol ID = '5003e8cf806c2137854dd150a6a8b2ff', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_mdc (protocol ID = 'f51d46d0916e8217f8268ebd7f42baa0', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_mcc (protocol ID = '777c0b73990426b4607a00221c9bbd8a', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_ecall (protocol ID = 'b1c201a17a0c2c920d3ca6449baee6b8', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_ips (protocol ID = '56c5cba5a7432bfef2993f23fb20e301', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_temp (protocol ID = 'edbdcab7bd9a0b21a45e3c14571e0142', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_antenna (protocol ID = '1d182864820df39d84fc4ec67565256f', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_riPin (protocol ID = '4e9952e2bf63425cef9166d475f6c589', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_adc (protocol ID = '2fd8e9f3f6c6312b50eba80126dcee6b', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_rtc (protocol ID = 'b8ff65055120e98365784481d667b417', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_audio (protocol ID = 'e370edc833f30f7a5ea29bf604784811', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_cellnet (protocol ID = 'af28a0c754f2f70de5f8943e05b85ee8', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_avc (protocol ID = '2126873cd01b248f604738094b3b302f', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_avdata (protocol ID = '00c24407f5702ddd739f1774a5e2bcdb', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_gnss (protocol ID = 'faefa899507b7af1a762f95a33a1e2ff', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_pos (protocol ID = '43630c2afa038107ba82a60b59813b6a', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_posCtrl (protocol ID = '6cde5670dcdeaaf84719312c15d9157d', max message size = 1104 bytes)
<root>.le_data (protocol ID = 'b38b8adf952d3949dded3be5491798ea', max message size = 1104 bytes)
In above command response
the binding details of data connection is
.cm.cm.le_data → .le_data
It is not shown as like other binding formats.
Please help me, I want to know where I am doing mistake or any process to follow?