Error while accessing le_data connection API in WP85xx legato application project


I am having mangOH board with WP85xx series.
I have created legato application project in that, I am trying to use le_dataConnection API but it is giving error as below:
Function ‘le_data_TryConnectService’ could not be resolved
Type ‘le_data_RequestObjRef_t’ could not be resolved

my source code :

extern   "C"{
#include  "legato.h"
#include  "interfaces.h"
extern "C"
   LE_INFO("Initializing component started.");
   le_result_t res;
   le_data_RequestObjRef_t  ref;
   res =  le_data_TryConnectService();

I have check all current bindings and services available with mangOH device , details as below:

root@swi-mdm9x15:~# sdir list


        <root>.sdirTool -> <root>.sdirTool
        <root>.LogClient -> <root>.LogClient
        <root>.LogControl -> <root>.LogControl
        <root>.le_sup_ctrl -> <root>.le_sup_ctrl
        <root>.le_sup_wdog -> <root>.le_sup_wdog
        <root>.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root>.le_cfgAdmin -> <root>.le_cfgAdmin
        <root>.le_update -> <root>.le_update
        <root>.le_updateCtrl -> <root>.le_updateCtrl
        <root>.le_appRemove -> <root>.le_appRemove
        <root>.le_instStat -> <root>.le_instStat
        <root>.le_appInfo -> <root>.le_appInfo
        <root>.le_appProc -> <root>.le_appProc
        <root>.appSmack -> <root>.appSmack
        <root>.logFd -> <root>.logFd
        <root>.le_fwupdate -> <root>.le_fwupdate
        <root>.avcDaemon.avcDaemon.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root>.avcDaemon.avcDaemon.le_appInfo -> <root>.le_appInfo
        <root>.avcDaemon.appCfg.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_update -> <root>.le_update
        <root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_instStat -> <root>.le_instStat
        <root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_appRemove -> <root>.le_appRemove
        <root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_sup_ctrl -> <root>.le_sup_ctrl
        <root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_appInfo -> <root>.le_appInfo
        <root>.avcDaemon.avcAppUpdate.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root>.cellNetService.cellNetService.le_sim -> <root>.le_sim
        <root>.cellNetService.cellNetService.le_mrc -> <root>.le_mrc
        <root>.cellNetService.cellNetService.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root>.dcsDaemon.dataConnectionService.le_mdc -> <root>.le_mdc
        <root>.dcsDaemon.dataConnectionService.le_mrc -> <root>.le_mrc
        <root>.dcsDaemon.dataConnectionService.le_sim -> <root>.le_sim
        <root>.dcsDaemon.dataConnectionService.le_cellnet -> <root>.le_cellnet
        <root>.dcsDaemon.dataConnectionService.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root>.gpioService.sysfsGpio.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root>.modemDaemon.modemDaemon.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root>.modemDaemon.modemDaemon.le_pm -> <root>.le_pm
        <root>.posDaemon.posDaemon.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root>.secStore.appCfg.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root>.secStore.secStoreDaemon.le_appInfo -> <root>.le_appInfo
        <root>.secStore.secStoreDaemon.le_update -> <root>.le_update
        <root>.smsInboxService.smsInboxService.le_sim -> <root>.le_sim
        <root>.smsInboxService.smsInboxService.le_sms -> <root>.le_sms
        <root>.smsInboxService.smsInboxService.le_cfg -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root> -> <root>.le_cfg
        <root> -> <root>.le_data
        <root> -> <root>.le_mrc
        <root> -> <root>.le_mdc
        <root> -> <root>.le_sim
        <root> -> <root>.le_sms
        <root> -> <root>.le_info
        <root> -> <root>.le_adc
        <root> -> <root>.le_temp
        <root> -> <root>.le_ips
        <root> -> <root>.le_rtc
        <root>.fwupdate.fwupdate.le_fwupdate -> <root>.le_fwupdate
        <root>.gnss.gnss.le_gnss -> <root>.le_gnss
        <root>.gnss.gnss.le_pos -> <root>.le_pos
        <root>.gnss.gnss.le_posCtrl -> <root>.le_posCtrl
        <root>.pmtool.pmtool.le_ulpm -> <root>.le_ulpm
        <root>.pmtool.pmtool.le_bootReason -> <root>.le_bootReason
        <root>.pmtool.pmtool.le_pm -> <root>.le_pm
        <root>.secstore.secstore.secStoreAdmin -> <root>.secStoreAdmin
        <root>.voiceCallService.voiceCallService.le_mcc -> <root>.le_mcc
        <root>.voiceCallService.voiceCallService.le_audio -> <root>.le_audio
        <root>.wifi.wifi.le_wifiClient -> <root>.le_wifiClient
        <root>.wifi.wifi.le_wifiAp -> <root>.le_wifiAp
        <root>.wifiApTest.wifiApTestComponent.le_wifiAp -> <root>.le_wifiAp
        <root>.wifiClientTest.wifiClientTestComponent.le_wifiClient -> <root>.le_wifiClient
        <root>.wifiWebAp.wifiWebApComponent.le_wifiAp -> <root>.le_wifiAp
        DemoApplication.LogClient -> <root>.LogClient
        DemoApp2.LogClient -> <root>.LogClient


        <root>.sdirTool  (protocol ID = 'sdirTool', max message size = 268 bytes)
        <root>.logFd  (protocol ID = '117ace8de217d75449a4c9698a82d4a9', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.LogClient  (protocol ID = 'LogControlProtocol', max message size = 300 bytes)
        <root>.LogControl  (protocol ID = 'LogControlProtocol', max message size = 300 bytes)
        <root>.le_cfg  (protocol ID = '8a26e6c5c2c76df02e412df515bd9f71', max message size = 1604 bytes)
        <root>.le_cfgAdmin  (protocol ID = '8732700875243b723b2ffcd56f807ae9', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_update  (protocol ID = 'aa0702b2ee62b2e6b86f1b71708b329e', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_appRemove  (protocol ID = '00c84606e1c1359c8fff5a3e96f4eff0', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_instStat  (protocol ID = '0948327abc5d498775520952fe46cf5c', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_updateCtrl  (protocol ID = '06d0977d4bb4d01afda6237bd33c0b9c', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_sup_ctrl  (protocol ID = 'fa6bf8cc16759825710163005fdfbe9e', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_sup_wdog  (protocol ID = '097fbccd0328ad2605764aecdd9339bc', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_appInfo  (protocol ID = 'f92de62899eb1ab8e72119f371ac3fb7', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_appProc  (protocol ID = 'a39440605262ba21c1ad7f777ffc885b', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_wdog  (protocol ID = '389c20913bdeb5d3928d55f3852135b3', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_atClient  (protocol ID = 'e02481d04f4b91a87b46b5ae8468b7e6', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_pm  (protocol ID = 'd4432c316b20d70444f61e31f53f03e7', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_ulpm  (protocol ID = '0396910cefbe1c3cb64549056dee1dfa', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_bootReason  (protocol ID = '7d55f7e527797be860b5666644f27973', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_atServer  (protocol ID = 'b95fb6329638c9229f619e0396d97c6a', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_fwupdate  (protocol ID = '7c948360e1df2b6ba4a92c34f9e6c335', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_wifiClient  (protocol ID = 'da0707db4fe4d07b1340d39e73eaf032', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_wifiAp  (protocol ID = '4ff3f438efca01cdc1878a61cd15932c', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_secStore  (protocol ID = '8b8edad7c68f1db9dd23ab6aa7286bc1', max message size = 8504 bytes)
        <root>.secStoreAdmin  (protocol ID = 'ea2df07974fddb1e29ff0ea75b056fd0', max message size = 8504 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin2  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin6  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin7  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin8  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin13  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin21  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin22  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin23  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin24  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin25  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin32  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin33  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin38  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin39  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin40  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin41  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gpioPin42  (protocol ID = '53b428577c18e3558699d57262acfc23', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_info  (protocol ID = 'b95387f00f48c76d024c6d9d0f66b852', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_sms  (protocol ID = 'd26b22be0fe85bc15a90af10f7d8a763', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_mrc  (protocol ID = '74bd62afd4fc83a23e68a6e7230749f7', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_sim  (protocol ID = '5003e8cf806c2137854dd150a6a8b2ff', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_mdc  (protocol ID = 'f51d46d0916e8217f8268ebd7f42baa0', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_mcc  (protocol ID = '777c0b73990426b4607a00221c9bbd8a', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_ecall  (protocol ID = 'b1c201a17a0c2c920d3ca6449baee6b8', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_ips  (protocol ID = '56c5cba5a7432bfef2993f23fb20e301', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_temp  (protocol ID = 'edbdcab7bd9a0b21a45e3c14571e0142', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_antenna  (protocol ID = '1d182864820df39d84fc4ec67565256f', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_riPin  (protocol ID = '4e9952e2bf63425cef9166d475f6c589', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_adc  (protocol ID = '2fd8e9f3f6c6312b50eba80126dcee6b', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_rtc  (protocol ID = 'b8ff65055120e98365784481d667b417', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_audio  (protocol ID = 'e370edc833f30f7a5ea29bf604784811', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_cellnet  (protocol ID = 'af28a0c754f2f70de5f8943e05b85ee8', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_avc  (protocol ID = '2126873cd01b248f604738094b3b302f', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_avdata  (protocol ID = '00c24407f5702ddd739f1774a5e2bcdb', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_gnss  (protocol ID = 'faefa899507b7af1a762f95a33a1e2ff', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_pos  (protocol ID = '43630c2afa038107ba82a60b59813b6a', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_posCtrl  (protocol ID = '6cde5670dcdeaaf84719312c15d9157d', max message size = 1104 bytes)
        <root>.le_data  (protocol ID = 'b38b8adf952d3949dded3be5491798ea', max message size = 1104 bytes)


In above command response
the binding details of data connection is → .le_data
It is not shown as like other binding formats.

Please help me, I want to know where I am doing mistake or any process to follow?

Hello Rups,

Can you show your adef file, please ?


adef file code:

version: 1.0.0
maxFileSystemBytes: 512K
    demoapp2 = ( DemoApp2Component )
        ( demoapp2 )
    maxCoreDumpFileBytes: 512K
    maxFileBytes: 512K

Sorry, I forgot to ask you your Component file (cdef).:grin:

cdef file code:


please add:


If you want to connect to this api manually (because you use le_data_TryConnectService), add

le_data.api [manual-start]


I have updated ‘adef’ file as you suggested but it is giving error.

version: 1.0.0
maxFileSystemBytes: 512K
    demoapp2 = ( DemoApp2Component )
  le_data.api [manual-start]
        ( demoapp2 )
    maxCoreDumpFileBytes: 512K
    maxFileBytes: 512K

Unexpected character ’ ’ Expected ‘.’ DemoApp2.adef

‘api’ subsection in ‘requires’ section is deprecated in .adef files.

I have tried with :

  1. le_data.api
  2. le_data.api [manual-start]
  3. api = le_data
    but there is error , what is correct syntax to add it?

Hi @rups,

The require section suggested by @spastor needs to be added to the cdef file.
Then you’ll need to bind this interface to the service that is providing it.
In the adef, please add the following section:

bindings: {
    demoapp2.DemoApp2Component.le_data -> dataConnectionService.le_data

I have added and tested. still error is there related to function call ’ unresolved error’


version: 1.0.0
maxFileSystemBytes: 512K
    demoapp2 = ( DemoApp2Component )

    demoapp2.DemoApp2Component.le_data -> dataConnectionService.le_data
    demoapp2.DemoApp2Component.le_mdc -> modemService.le_mdc

        ( demoapp2 )
    maxCoreDumpFileBytes: 512K
    maxFileBytes: 512K



I have also tested by adding api with format le_data.api [manual-start]

any thing to be added in source file ??? because it is not supporting access to api functions.

Hi @rups

Done the test, and I think this is just a refresh problem of the code editor.
My guess is that the error you’re reporting is a Semantic Error one, correct?
These errors are reported by the static code analyzer, which is triggered each time the code is modified, or the editor is opened.
But as soon as your definition files are configured correctly (and this is the case now), if you open again the code editor, these errors should disappear, as the static code analyzer will be refreshed at this time.
Another option to refresh is a right-click on the project, then Run C/C++ code analysis

But please be careful that these errors are not yet compilation errors (reported as C/C++ Problem in the Problems view). Compilation errors will be reported when you explicitly build the project (with the hammer or run button in the toolbar). And typically, with this code, you’ll see that you have compilation errors :wink:

Anyway, I’m logging the point, and we’ll check if we can avoid this refresh behavior in DS.

Finally, by the way, please avoid posting topics on both forums (cf
Legato forum is the good place for generic software oriented questions. MangOH forum is more dedicated to MangOH hardware/software specific questions.


I have refresh and clean project. and then build it. same error exist.

I found some different issue in console:

14:47:03 **** Build of configuration Target_Legato_Debug for project DemoApp2 ****
make -I /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. all 
cd ..;mkapp -t wp85 -o Target_Legato_Debug -w Target_Legato_Debug -i "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework." -i "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework." -i "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework." -i "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework." -i "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework." -i "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework." -i "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework." -i "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework." -i "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework." -s "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework." -s "." -C -g -X -g -L -g DemoApp2.adef
[1/13] Compiling C source
[2/13] Compiling C source
[3/13] Generating IPC interface code
[4/13] Generating IPC interface code
FAILED: mkdir -p Target_Legato_Debug/api/64979d0f501929075c20cdfc91e196e1/client && ifgen --output-dir Target_Legato_Debug/api/64979d0f501929075c20cdfc91e196e1/client --gen-client --gen-interface --gen-local --name-prefix le_mdc --file-prefix le_mdc --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/Rupali/Linux/PROJECT/workspace/DemoApp2 /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework.", line 32, in <module>
    import common
  File "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework.", line 8, in <module>
    import jinja2
ImportError: No module named jinja2
FAILED: mkdir -p Target_Legato_Debug/api/09c50216275130832ce953f423c77f0a/client && ifgen --output-dir Target_Legato_Debug/api/09c50216275130832ce953f423c77f0a/client --gen-client --gen-interface --gen-local --name-prefix le_data --file-prefix le_data --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework. --import-dir /home/lateral15/Rupali/Linux/PROJECT/workspace/DemoApp2 /home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework.", line 32, in <module>
    import common
  File "/home/lateral15/legato/packages/legato.framework.", line 8, in <module>
    import jinja2
ImportError: No module named jinja2
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
make: *** [target] Error 1
Makefile:48: recipe for target 'target' failed

14:47:03 Build Finished (took 337ms)

Hmm, sounds like you’re missing some basic requirements in your Linux setup.
Please have a look at

in particular:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 build-essential python-jinja2 ninja-build

Thank you @daav
now all errors solved. project build successfully :relaxed:
and sorry for post in mangOH forum. I will take care next time

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