Connecting to AWS Server from wp76xx


I have issue in loading the aws certificate while running as sandbox app while if I run as executable it works fine. I have generated sandbox app by compiling legacy code using .adef file. Is there any restriction for sandbox app in loading the certificate files.

Error log

Aug 14 21:28:19 swi-mdm9x28 Legato: INFO | legacyProgram[27415] | Running AWS IoT SDK Version 3.0.1- ******** Running system command DEBUG: main L#374 rootCA root-CA.crt DEBUG: main L#375 clientCRT DEV001_JUPITER.cert.pem DEBUG: main L#376 clientKey
Aug 14 21:28:19 swi-mdm9x28 Legato: INFO | legacyProgram[27415] | ull) Connecting… DEBUG: iot_tls_connect L#130 . Seeding the random number generator… DEBUG: iot_tls_connect L#138 . Loading the CA root certificate … ERROR: iot_tls_connect L#141
Aug 14 21:28:19 swi-mdm9x28 Legato: INFO | legacyProgram[27415] | rsing root cert ERROR: main L#406 Error(-19) connecting


Can you share the entire logs from the time you installed the apps to this point.
Also can you explain where have you placed the certificates.


I am actually trying to connect to the AWS IoT from a wp77, is there any template with Mqtt protocols supporting TLS authentication I can find on gitHub?