AirVantage data push status callback never called

Hello all,

I have a bit of a weird bug on my hands: when using le_avdata_PushRecord, the callback function passed as the handlerPtr argument never seems to get called anymore. Note that synchronous call to le_avdata_PushRecord does return LE_OK.

My initial thought was to try and reproduce this on a specific version of Legato. We confirmed this was working in Legato 17.11 in December 2017 so I rolled back and rebuilt Legato. Unfortunately I saw this issue on Legato 17.11, 18.02, 18.03, and 18.04 (skipped 18.01 due to other breaking bugs). I was sure to confirm the correct version was applied by invoking legato version on the target.

My best guess is that some interface between the AirVantage servers and AirVantage client has changed in some way.

Any help is greatly appreciated,

I’m surprised the handler does not get returned. This feature is regularly tested per release.
Can you provide some debug logs?
Also which release and module are you using?

Hey @esun,

Sorry for letting this sit. What level do you want? I was thinking loglevel debug && logread -f | grep avc > avc.log. We’re using Legato 18.04 with a WP85 (and release 15 of the firmware).

Np, that should be sufficient for now. Please attach them somewhere and I’ll have a look.

Here is a small sample: avc.log · GitHub. I’m currently collecting a larger one I’ll post in an hour or so.

Hey @esun, here is quite a large sample:

Hello all,

I’m still seeing this problem. Have you guys been able to confirm this on the WP85 witht Legato 18.04?

Hi @nvd,

We verified with legato-18.04.0 on top of WP85’s Release 15 and also using the latest Release 16(legato-18.06.1), We see that callback function is getting called and also we see that data is pushed successfully.

Please fallow the below steps to check that callback function is getting called and data is pushed successfully:

  1. Create an application using the attached PushRecord.c (1.5 KB) file.

  2. Start an AV session(at+wdss=1,1), wait for session to be started successfully.

  3. Install the application on the target and start the application.

Muralidhara N.

Thanks @muralinagraj. I never had much luck with this bug so I simply removed our usage of a push callback function. I’ll test this again early next week.

HI @nvd
did you have a chance to test the suggestion?
do you still have any issue?
best regards