We are seeing some rare issues when doing a test that continuously tries to connect in a test that powers the device for a while and then unpowers it for a while. We’ve added some code that uploads the logfile when it failed to connect on previous attemps and we’re seeing a strange thing where rarely the gateway fails to switch off the radio using le_mrc_SetRadioPower(LE_OFF);
This the excerpt from a correct device:
myAt[1253]/at T=main | atCommands.c PrintLine() 340 | Unsollicited: 2023-09-19 05:57:38: Cannot Establish connection, switch radio off
dcsDaemon[1162]/dcsCellular T=main | dcsCellular.c DcsCellularConnEventStateHandler() 254 | State of connection 1 transitioned from up to down
dcsDaemon[1162]/dcsCellular T=main | dcsCellular.c le_dcsCellular_RetryConn() 1300 | Initiated retrying connection 1; retry attempt 1, backoff 1 secs
dcsDaemon[1162]/dcsCellular T=main | dcsCellular.c DcsCellularConnEventStateHandler() 311 | Wait for the next retry before failing connection 1
dcsDaemon[1162]/dcsDaemon T=main | dcsServer.c ChannelEventHandler() 780 | Received for channel reference 0x1a9 event Temporary Down
In the case where it fails we see the following:
myAt[1250]/at T=main | atCommands.c PrintLine() 340 | Unsollicited: 2023-09-20 08:18:35: Cannot Establish connection, switch radio off
swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn kernel: [ 208.409847] PSM: Modem oprt mode - 6
What does this error mean, and what can we do to clear it? As it looks like it is only cleared with a full power cycle and not with an AT!RESET or similar.