Back Ground:
Regarding to legato training, we received the document as “Example on Secure boot implementation for WP76xx.docx” to enable Secure Boot.
(I could not upload the document in this forum, because of confidential).
So, we faced the issue that Yocto image, that is enabled Secure Boot, is not loaded to WP7605.
Regarding to “41112164 WP Series Secure Boot AppNote r3.pdf”. we failed “Step7-2”.
Please see the attached FDT console log that is failed to load Yocto image.
Note: Jack is also confirmed this behavior during our legato training.
- mangOH Green with WP7605
- Base FW: R13.3
Could you tell me work around of this issue?
Did you use the command prompt in admin mode?
From the log, the download has been finished.
Can you check ATI8 in AT command port and see if the yocto image is updated?
Can you check ATI8 in AT command port and see if the yocto image is updated?
No, it could not be updated, and previous message is shown as FW update fail as follows.
(I think the following information is not blank if FW update is succeeded.)
Final images information:
Do you mean issue only happen on secure boot enabled module?
Is it 100% failure? or just sometimes?
To me, that is no difference on the download process between normal download and secure boot download.
This can isolate if problem is on yocto image side or fdt tool side.
“fwupdate” command is also failed to update their yocto image that is enabled Secure boot.
Please see the attached file as “20191223_fwupdateFail_SecureBoot.txt”.
According to “Example on Secure boot implementation for WP76xx.docx”, we faced the issue that could not be sign kernel. (Sequence#13 in attached word file).
Please see the attached file as “20191223_remake_SecureBoot_cwe.txt”.
Could you check the attached logs and let us know the work around?
Or could you please provide your Linux console log that you can succeed to update yocto image as enabled secure boot?
First, could you tell me the way how to make “siging_dir_test.7z”?
(Refer to "Example on Secure boot implementation for WP76xx.docx” ?)
We would like to know the debug way why we failed to update yocto image as enabled secure boot.
Should we re-test to update yocto image by using the attached folder?
you just extract the “siging_dir_test.7z” and run the command “./ /boot boot-yocto-mdm9x28.4k.unsigned.img boot-yocto-mdm9x28.4k.img” and see if there is any problem.
If no, then that means your PC has no problem but your working folder has problem.