I just started getting an error from Dev Studio when trying to install my app. Anyone has a suggestion on how to fix this? I tried to uninstall any previous version and also stopping all the components, same issue arises.
Aug 28 19:18:00 | updateDaemon[510]/updateDaemon T=main | updateUnpack.c CopyBytesToPipeline() 554 | Payload copied: 10837891/11049796
Aug 28 19:18:03 | updateDaemon[510]/updateDaemon T=main | updateUnpack.c CopyBytesToPipeline() 554 | Payload copied: 11049796/11049796
Aug 28 19:18:04 | updateDaemon[510]/updateDaemon T=main | updateUnpack.c UntarDone() 381 | Payload unpack pipeline failed with exit code: 1
Aug 28 19:18:04 | updateDaemon[510]/updateDaemon T=main | updateDaemon.c UpdateFailed() 376 | Update failed!!