SDK not being used by mkapp

After installing the WP77XX SDK via legato-spm, I’m getting build errors, even for the samples. It seems to be using my host gcc, rather than target gcc.

alex@devspace:~$ legato-spm -i -m WP77XX
Browsing repository content
Browsing repository
Fetching content.jar (3 KB - 18 KB/s)
Fetching artifacts.jar (1 KB - 5 KB/s)
<More Fetching...>
Fetching artifacts.jar (1 KB - 5 KB/s)
========== Install pending packages ==========
Found 0 update site
========== Install packages ==========
<License Text Here>
Do you accept the license? [Y/n]
Following packages will be installed
- Legato for WP77 R11 (18.9.2.wp77xx-native-x86_64-201906171503)
- Legato Application Framework (18.9.2.wp77xx-201906171436)
- Legato Device Image for WP77 R11 (
- GCC cross compiler Toolchain (
- Legato Recovery Tooling for Linux (

Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
Installing 5 packages
Installing 5 package(s)
Loading repositories...
Fetching <...>
Fetching legato.recovery@4.0.8 (3 MB/3 MB - 1 MB/s)
Extracting temp1159289472201282455.jar
Fetching <...>
Fetching legato.device.image@2.22.12 (96 MB/96 MB - 3 MB/s)
Extracting temp3908498072701032560.jar
Fetching legato.sdk@18.9.2 (4 KB/4 KB - 22 KB/s)
Extracting temp1309299572086994025.jar
Fetching <...>
Fetching legato.toolchain@0.22.12 (232 MB/232 MB - 4 MB/s)
Extracting temp1661648349462035468.jar
Fetching <...>
Fetching legato.framework@18.9.2 (35 MB/35 MB - 6 MB/s)
Extracting temp4946767853190476283.jar
Refreshing installed packages...
Managing post install operations...
Post install Legato Application Framework (18.9.2.wp77xx-201906171436)
Extract framework archive
Init tools
Post install Legato Device Image for WP77 R11 (
Updating permissions
Post install GCC cross compiler Toolchain (
Updating permissions
Extract native toolchain
Prepare toolchain for kernel modules build
Post install Legato Recovery Tooling for Linux (
Updating permissions
Post install Legato for WP77 R11 (18.9.2.wp77xx-native-x86_64-201906171503)
License accept
Create link

alex@devspace:~$ cd legato/packages/legato.framework.18.9.2.wp77xx-201906171436/resources/legato/
alex@devspace:~/legato/packages/legato.framework.18.9.2.wp77xx-201906171436/resources/legato$ source bin/configlegatoenv 
alex@devspace:~/legato/packages/legato.framework.18.9.2.wp77xx-201906171436/resources/legato$ cd apps/sample/httpGet
alex@devspace:~/legato/packages/legato.framework.18.9.2.wp77xx-201906171436/resources/legato/apps/sample/httpGet$ mkapp -t WP77XX -i ../../../interfaces/modemServices/ httpGet.adef 
** WARNING: Failed to receive sysroot path from compiler 'gcc --print-sysroot' (errno: Success).
ninja: error: '/curl/not/found', needed by '_build_httpGet/WP77XX/app/httpGet/staging/read-only/lib/found', missing and no known rule to make it
alex@devspace:~/legato/packages/legato.framework.18.9.2.wp77xx-201906171436/resources/legato/apps/sample/httpGet$ cd ../helloWorld/
alex@devspace:~/legato/packages/legato.framework.18.9.2.wp77xx-201906171436/resources/legato/apps/sample/helloWorld$ mkapp -t WP77XX helloWorld.adef 
** WARNING: Failed to receive sysroot path from compiler 'gcc --print-sysroot' (errno: Success).
ninja: error: '/home/alex/legato/packages/legato.framework.18.9.2.wp77xx-201906171436/resources/legato/build/WP77XX/framework/lib/', needed by '_build_helloWorld/WP77XX/staging/read-only/lib/', missing and no known rule to make it
alex@devspace:~/legato/packages/legato.framework.18.9.2.wp77xx-201906171436/resources/legato/apps/sample/httpGet$ exit

can you try with LEAF+VSCODE?

Since this is a remote login to a dev server, no.

Just for fun, I attempted to locally on my desktop, and even though the Legato plugin is installed in vsCode (and I restarted the app for good measure), I don’t see any “Leaf” menu anywhere, even after opening an active Leaf Workspace folder according to the instructions.

You mean you cannot see the available list?

Ok, so the problem with vsCode was that I didn’t notice the new “leaf” tab on the left. Still haven’t really used it since it’s not particularly discoverable, but…

I did, get leaf working. What was not clear, anywhere, is that legato-spm is no longer used, and that leaf is a replacement, not just a supplement. Removing everything installed by legato-spm did fix this.