Removing packagese from Yocto, wp760x


I would like to remove currently built packages from the Yocto distro
in order to do that I tried setting in conf.local the following

IMAGE_INSTALL_remove += “python”
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove += “python3-native”
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove += “python-m2crypto-native”
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove += “pathon-native”
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove += “python-setuptools-native”

but I see packages are still included

please advice

When you use XX_XX_remove or XX_XX_append, are you meant to use ‘=’ rather than ‘+=’?

See 3.1.9 and 3.1.10 BitBake User Manual

modified to :slight_smile:
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = “python”
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = “python3-native”
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = “python-m2crypto-native”
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = “pathon-native”
IMAGE_INSTALL_remove = “python-setuptools-native”

but packages are still not removed

Just an idea: (not tried before)
How about puting your modification here ?

using build_bin/conf/local.conf can you try with below

IMAGE_INSTALL_remove_pn-mdm9x28-image-minimal = " " ensure that you add a space after the starting double quotes.

hope this works.