Hi Chris,
Yes, I had downloaded the FX30 R17 yocto source code using Leaf.
But when I run the make command, without add any recipe, just the original files, I am getting the following error:
ERROR: legato-af-git-r0 do_patch: Command Error: 'quilt --quiltrc /home/gustavo/leafFX30/swi-linux-src/build_bin/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/etc/quiltrc push' exited with 0 Output:
Applying patch 0002-ALPC-299-Add-columbiaAtService-to-avcService-black-l.patch
patching file components/airVantage/avcAppUpdate/avcAppUpdate.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 446.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- rejects in file components/airVantage/avcAppUpdate/avcAppUpdate.c
Patch 0002-ALPC-299-Add-columbiaAtService-to-avcService-black-l.patch can be reverse-applied
ERROR: legato-af-git-r0 do_patch: Function failed: patch_do_patch
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/gustavo/leafFX30/swi-linux-src/build_bin/tmp/work/armv7a-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/legato-af/git-r0/temp/log.do_patch.3364
ERROR: Task (/home/gustavo/leafFX30/swi-linux-src/meta-swi/common/recipes-legato/legato-af/legato-af_git.bb:do_patch) failed with exit code '1'
Do you have a suggestion of what could I do?