R6.1 for WP7601 start session reports fails

I have updated to R6.1 for WP7601 and Legato 17.9. The same code to connect WAS working under the previous release is no longer reporting that it has connected, but using the command line “cm data”, shows it IS connected. The response to le_mdc_StartSession is:

Dec 18 20:40:35 | modemDaemon[630]/swiQmi T=main | swiQmi.c swiQmi_CheckResponse() 808 | Sending QMI_WDS_START_NETWORK_INTERFACE_REQ_V01 failed: rc=0 (), resp.result=1.[0x01], resp.error=14.[0x0e]
Dec 18 20:40:35 | modemDaemon[630]/le_pa T=main | pa_mdc_qmi.c StartSession() 1828 | Data connection failure Call End provided 45, Code 1
Dec 18 20:40:35 | modemDaemon[630]/le_pa T=main | pa_mdc_qmi.c StartSession() 1839 | Data connection failure Verbose Call End provided Type 2, Verbose 210
Dec 18 20:40:35 | ConnectionTest179[3514]/ConnectionTestComponent T=main | ConnectionTest.c _ConnectionTestComponent_COMPONENT_INIT() 640 | Setting up the Netowrk.
Dec 18 20:40:49 | modemDaemon[630]/modemDaemon T=main | le_mrc.c CloseSessionEventHandler() 1159 | SessionRef (0xbe95c) has been closed
Dec 18 20:40:49 | modemDaemon[630]/modemDaemon T=main | le_sim.c CloseSessionEventHandler() 754 | SessionRef (0xbe634) has been closed
Dec 18 20:40:49 | modemDaemon[630]/modemDaemon T=main | le_sms.c CloseSessionEventHandler() 2302 | SessionRef (0xbe504) has been closed

Also, the AT+SCACT=1,3 command succeeds with an OK, but it isn’t connected.

Are you setting PDP type as IPV6 or IPV4V6 with le_mdc_SetPDP()?
Can you try set as IPV4 and see does same issue happen?


Hi @lotam,
I believe it has something to do with the drivers. I reinstalled the drivers but got the same result. However, after I rebooted the windows PC, it started working.