PID mismatch from leaf images files

Hi, I am using the stock images files for modem and yocto with my own build for legato… however I get a PID mistmatch when using swicwe… how do I fix that and should I be concerned…

To build the legato image I am using the below from within the leaf-shell of a profile based on swi-fx30-catm_4.1.0

make wp77xx PROD=fx30 -C ./leaf-data/fx30_catm/fx30-catm-legato

and copying the legato.cwe file ./leaf-data/fx30_catm/fx30-catm-legato/build/wp77xx/legato.cwe

Warning - PID mismatch: Y931 and Y921
Warning - PID mismatch: 9X06 and 9X28

swicwe -c ./leaf-data/fx30_catm/wp77-modem-image/9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00_00_GENERIC_001.071_001.spk ./leaf-data/fx30_catm/fx30-catm-linux-image/linux.cwe legato.wp77xx.cwe -o FULL.wp77xx.spk
input image type is SPKG
input image type is SPKG
input image type is APPL
Parsing input file /home/legato/projects/DLC-Gateways/leaf-data/fx30_catm/wp77-modem-image/9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00_00_GENERIC_001.071_001.spk
 Type    Size(Exclude Header)    Product         Compress        Version
*SPKG    18180876                Y931            0               9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00_00_GENERIC_001.071_001
*BOOT    412672                  Y931            0               SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
 HASH    6480                    9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
 SBL1    405392                  9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
*MODM    17755900                Y931            0               SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
 HASH    6560                    9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
 TZON    551644                  9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
 QRPM    156736                  9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
 DSP2    17039360                9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
*FILE    11104                   Y931            0               9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00_00_GENERIC_001.071_001
Parsed image is SPKG, finding components
Found BOOT component
Found MODM component
Found FILE component
Parsing input file /home/legato/projects/DLC-Gateways/leaf-data/fx30_catm/fx30-catm-linux-image/linux.cwe
 Type    Size(Exclude Header)    Product         Compress        Version
*SPKG    34250048                Y931            0               9999999_9999999_?_?_?_?_?
*APPL    599736                  Y931            0               Mon Jun 27 10:03:43 AM UTC 2022
 APBL    599336                  9X06            0               1.3.0_1aea4d8ec8 2022/06/27 08:48:57
*APPL    33649512                Y931            0               SWI9X06Y_03.00.07.00 2022/06/27 10:01:05
 SYST    22282240                9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_03.00.07.00 2022/06/27 10:01:05
 APPS    11366472                9X06            0               4.14.253 20220627100337
Parsed image is SPKG, finding components
Found APPL component
Found APPL component
Parsing input file legato.wp77xx.cwe
 Type    Size(Exclude Header)    Product         Compress        Version
*APPL    7602576                 Y921            0               21.05.0 karl-laptop 2023/03/10 08:17:14
Warning - PID mismatch: Y931 and Y921
 USER    7602176                 9X28            0               21.05.0 karl-laptop 2023/03/10 08:17:14
Warning - PID mismatch: 9X06 and 9X28
Parsed image is Legato/Linux
Concatenating images

CWE Header Generator 3.01. Copyright Sierra Wireless, Inc., 2012
  Output CWE Header File /tmp/temp.mbn.hdr
  Image size 0x3940b6c, crc32 0xadf0773e

have you downloaded the legato.wp77xx.cwe to module before?

You can use “./swicwe --full-help” to see the full manual, i saw there is --pid parameter, not sure if it is related.

Also you can check the original full spk file by “swicwe -P xxx.spk” and check if it has same PID as yours in the legato part

Hmmm the official one has the mixed PIDs as well it seems. Possibly an ommission from SWI? Either way I guess what I have is OK to use in the final product…

swicwe -P ../leaf-data/current/fx30-catm-image/9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.13.02.00_00_GENERIC_001.009_001-full.spk

 Type    Size(Exclude Header)    Product         Compress        Version
*SPKG    59762921                Y931            0               9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.13.02.00_00_GENERIC_001.009_001
*BOOT    404432                  Y931            0               SWI9X06Y_02.22.10.00 898557 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2019/02/15 12:18:09
 HASH    6480                    9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.22.10.00 898557 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2019/02/15 12:18:09
 SBL1    397152                  9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.22.10.00 898557 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2019/02/15 12:18:09
*MODM    17755076                Y931            0               SWI9X06Y_02.13.02.00 7cfe8a CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2017/12/22 00:23:42
 HASH    6560                    9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.13.02.00 7cfe8a CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2017/12/22 00:23:42
 TZON    551644                  9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.13.02.00 7cfe8a CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2017/12/22 00:23:42
 QRPM    155912                  9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.13.02.00 7cfe8a CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2017/12/22 00:23:42
 DSP2    17039360                9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_02.13.02.00 7cfe8a CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2017/12/22 00:23:42
*FILE    11333                   Y931            0               9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.13.02.00_00_GENERIC_001.009_001
*APPL    599736                  Y931            0               Mon Jun 27 10:03:43 AM UTC 2022
 APBL    599336                  9X06            0               1.3.0_1aea4d8ec8 2022/06/27 08:48:57
*APPL    33649512                Y931            0               SWI9X06Y_03.00.07.00 2022/06/27 10:01:05
 SYST    22282240                9X06            0               SWI9X06Y_03.00.07.00 2022/06/27 10:01:05
 APPS    11366472                9X06            0               4.14.253 20220627100337
*APPL    7340432                 Y921            0     
 USER    7340032                 9X28            0     

I can see the official image has same pid in legato part as yours