Hi, I am using the stock images files for modem and yocto with my own build for legato… however I get a PID mistmatch when using swicwe… how do I fix that and should I be concerned…
To build the legato image I am using the below from within the leaf-shell of a profile based on swi-fx30-catm_4.1.0
make wp77xx PROD=fx30 -C ./leaf-data/fx30_catm/fx30-catm-legato
and copying the legato.cwe file ./leaf-data/fx30_catm/fx30-catm-legato/build/wp77xx/legato.cwe
Warning - PID mismatch: Y931 and Y921
Warning - PID mismatch: 9X06 and 9X28
swicwe -c ./leaf-data/fx30_catm/wp77-modem-image/9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00_00_GENERIC_001.071_001.spk ./leaf-data/fx30_catm/fx30-catm-linux-image/linux.cwe legato.wp77xx.cwe -o FULL.wp77xx.spk
input image type is SPKG
input image type is SPKG
input image type is APPL
Parsing input file /home/legato/projects/DLC-Gateways/leaf-data/fx30_catm/wp77-modem-image/9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00_00_GENERIC_001.071_001.spk
Type Size(Exclude Header) Product Compress Version
*SPKG 18180876 Y931 0 9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00_00_GENERIC_001.071_001
*BOOT 412672 Y931 0 SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
HASH 6480 9X06 0 SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
SBL1 405392 9X06 0 SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
*MODM 17755900 Y931 0 SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
HASH 6560 9X06 0 SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
TZON 551644 9X06 0 SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
QRPM 156736 9X06 0 SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
DSP2 17039360 9X06 0 SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00 000000 CARMD-EV-SIGN01 2020/12/10 15:02:06
*FILE 11104 Y931 0 9999999_9907618_SWI9X06Y_02.36.06.00_00_GENERIC_001.071_001
Parsed image is SPKG, finding components
Found BOOT component
Found MODM component
Found FILE component
Parsing input file /home/legato/projects/DLC-Gateways/leaf-data/fx30_catm/fx30-catm-linux-image/linux.cwe
Type Size(Exclude Header) Product Compress Version
*SPKG 34250048 Y931 0 9999999_9999999_?_?_?_?_?
*APPL 599736 Y931 0 Mon Jun 27 10:03:43 AM UTC 2022
APBL 599336 9X06 0 1.3.0_1aea4d8ec8 2022/06/27 08:48:57
*APPL 33649512 Y931 0 SWI9X06Y_03.00.07.00 2022/06/27 10:01:05
SYST 22282240 9X06 0 SWI9X06Y_03.00.07.00 2022/06/27 10:01:05
APPS 11366472 9X06 0 4.14.253 20220627100337
Parsed image is SPKG, finding components
Found APPL component
Found APPL component
Parsing input file legato.wp77xx.cwe
Type Size(Exclude Header) Product Compress Version
*APPL 7602576 Y921 0 21.05.0 karl-laptop 2023/03/10 08:17:14
Warning - PID mismatch: Y931 and Y921
USER 7602176 9X28 0 21.05.0 karl-laptop 2023/03/10 08:17:14
Warning - PID mismatch: 9X06 and 9X28
Parsed image is Legato/Linux
Concatenating images
CWE Header Generator 3.01. Copyright Sierra Wireless, Inc., 2012
Output CWE Header File /tmp/temp.mbn.hdr
Image size 0x3940b6c, crc32 0xadf0773e