MangOH ADC failed to read


I currently have posted regarding problems running eCall on MangOH board. Now, I am finding the adc_read is failing with error like:
Feb 11 09:58:38 swi-mdm9x15 user.err Legato: =ERR= | modemDaemon[571]/le_pa T=main | pa_adc_qmi.c pa_adc_ReadValue() 118 | Failed to read adc channel 5

I have tried this with both ext adc channels (5, 6) and two others (0, 1). I see in the MangOH fw release notes there are some issues with adc, but it doesn’t mention channels 5,6.

Currently, I only have GPIO service working ok on MangOH board. Do I have a fundamental problem (ecall and adc seem to have problems in pa layer)?


MangOH platform running legato 15.10.1.Beta
Firmware Version: SWI9X15Y_07.05.01.00 r30585 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2015/12/08 01:28:58
Bootloader Version: SWI9X15Y_07.05.01.00 r30585 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2015/12/08 01:28:58
Linux Version: 3.14.29ltsi-bfda7d39c8_b6c4f16553 #2 PREEMPT Tue Dec 8 04:11:15 PST 2015
Devstudio building for target with legato.sdk.15.10.0.wp85-native-x86_64-201511181507.

[url] - Sierra Wireless Forum might help you :smiley:


I think the issue was, basically, “It Did Not Work” - at least, not before FW 16.04.0.

And it seems to be a Legato thing - not specific to mangOH ? … 3?u=awneil


I had some direct support from SWI but I didn’t update my posts.

You are correct, in that release of Legato which I was using for the MangOH h/w, the adc function wasn’t working. It may have been fixed since then. Our solution at the time was to move to the AR7 platform, for which it was working.