This message happen when I use “legato: build” or “legato: build and install” after press shift+ctrl+b
The legato plug-in make a system build “mksys”.
The build is OK, but a have the error message.
Now I use the command line in a separate shell to make just the application build ( I don’t know how to make a application build in vscoder with the plug-in
@Ph38240, to just build the app you need to change and to select the app .adef file in the .xdef menu (bottom blue bar), as is explained here: vsCode .xdef menu - Legato Docs
@Ph38240, To well understand, the build action worked well, but you get just this error message, right? I think it will disappear by relaunching vscode.
About the legato: hierarchy view, I agree it doesn’t work well for the moment, what you want to do with legato: hierarchy view you can do it with workspace explorer section.
I could not reproduce the problem, here is my setup:
VScode Version: 1.47.2 | Legato Plugin : 1.2.0 | LeafMinVersion": “2.3.1” | OS: Linux x64 5.3.0-61-generic - Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS | wp76 R13.3 package
The root cause being an issue in either the sdef, or adef, or even file structure. The parsing is so strict that any error or misconfiguration prevents the view from loading.
If the view is already loaded, it will show statically until the next time it is reloaded (most likely when vscode is reopened).
We will bring up this and other high priority bugs to see if we can plan for a release…
Appreciate the update. Can you list any of the “syntax” or “structural” items that you’ve identified to date that result in View loading failure? Is it a true statement that removal of the culprit App will re-enable the View to load?