I’m trying to understand how to use the le_avdata_interface.h to send data from the WP85 to the AVMS system - any ideas gratefully received
Can anyone explain what triggers the avSystemInfo sample app to call the AVMS server? or is another app supposed to do the call - the app is running but after startup doesn’t seem to do anything
Should we use le_avc_StartSession()? from le_avc_interface.h ?
What method should be used to configure the WP85 to use the AVMS server? or is this fixed?
I notice that the standard AVMS heartbeat and other platform data is uploading as expected on out WP85 test system but I can’t see anything from the avSystemInfo application. Is this running independent of the Legato system?
We have uploaded a suitable avSystemInfo based .zip to to AVMS → My Apps - all looks fine