How to get the input from UART console

I was trying to get the input from UART console port of AR7554.

#include "legato.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#define     DESTINATION_LEN_MAX     50

    LE_INFO("Hello, world12345.");

    char Destination[DESTINATION_LEN_MAX];
    fprintf(stderr, "Set Destination Number or command: stop (hang-up), answer (pick-up) or exit to exit of application\n");

    fgets ((char*)Destination, DESTINATION_LEN_MAX, stdin);

    fprintf(stderr, "Destination= %s !!!\n",Destination);


However, the console just shows the following:
root@swi-mdm9x15:/opt/legato/apps/commandLine# Set Destination Number or command: stop (hang-up), answer (pick-up) or exit to exit of applicatn
Destination= !!!

And it is not waiting for the input to type “stop” or “answer”.
Any idea?

Try to run your legato app using execInApp:

execInApp commandLine commandLine

This command will run the executable “commandLine” of a legato app called “commandLine”.

Using execInApp, the executed process will inherit the environment variables and file descriptors of the terminal.


I think you misunderstand my question.
My code has nothing related to application commandLine.
I just want to know why fgets() is not getting input from UART console.


My answer was not for the “commandLine” sample code (I have just reused this name because it was displayed in your initial post: “/opt/legato/apps/commandLine”).

In order to capture the terminal (console) using fgets, you need to run your Legato app using execInApp.

I succeed to run your application and to capture the console input by using execInApp:

  1. I have created a Legato component called “readStdinComponent”

  2. This component includes a source file called “readStdin.c”:

[code]#include “legato.h”
#include <stdio.h>


LE_INFO(“Hello, world12345.”);

char Destination[DESTINATION_LEN_MAX];
fprintf(stderr, "Set Destination Number or command: stop (hang-up), answer (pick-up) or exit to exit of application\n");

fgets ((char*)Destination, DESTINATION_LEN_MAX, stdin);

fprintf(stderr, "Destination= %s !!!\n",Destination);

3) The “Component.cdef” content of this component is:

sources: { readStdin.c }
4) Then I have created a Legato application called “readStdin” which is using the component “readStdinComponent” in order to create an executable called “readStdinExec”.
The content of the application definition file (“readStdin.adef”) is:

executables: { readStdinExec = ( readStdinComponent ) }
5) After building/installing the “readStdin” app on the target, I can run it

[code]root@swi-mdm9x15:~# app status

[stopped] readStdin

root@swi-mdm9x15:~# app start readStdin
Starting app ‘readStdin’…

root@swi-mdm9x15:~# execInApp readStdin readStdinExec
Set Destination Number or command: stop (hang-up), answer (pick-up) or exit to exit of application
Destination= answer !!![/code]
As you can see, the “answer” string has been successfully captured from the console.


Hi Jay,

Thx for your help!
It works fine for me now!
