August 25, 2021, 12:30pm
it is because the partition for yocto image is not big enough…
You might consider to run the gstreamer in RAM.
Here is an example to run ffmpeg in RAM:
you can also run the ffmpeg in RAM:
Step 1: type these in PC:
sudo ifconfig usb0
scp ./build_bin/tmp/work/armv7a-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/ffmpeg/3.4.2-r0/image/usr/bin/ffmpeg root@
scp ./build_bin/tmp/work/armv7a-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/ffmpeg/3.4.2-r0/image/usr/lib/libavcodec.so.57 root@
Step 2: type these in module :
mkdir /tmp/tmp_usr_lib;mkdir /tmp/tmp_usr_lib_wr;
mount -t overlay overlay /usr/lib -o lowerdir=/usr/lib,upperdir=/tmp/tmp_…