EU Ecall - Importing existing MSD


We are trying to start a manual EU Ecall by importing a pre-prepared MSD, following the example code contained in Legato sources. The result of “le_ecall_ImportMsd” is always negative.
We have set some Legato config tree parameters:

  • modemServices/eCall/psap == “Our test PSAP number”
  • modemServices/eCall/pushPull == Push
  • modemServices/eCall/maxRedialAttempts == 1

Attached you can find the piece of code we are testing.
What is wrong with it?

Thank you for help

Here is the result of your imported MSD using le_ecall_StartTest on live network. (Use PSAP number)
le_ecall_StartManual is only used on network simulator or for real emergency case. It does not use PSAP number but Emergency call.

E-Call from number “PSAP Number”
Date = 14/12/03-10:36:10
Info = H118-80+W+T
Time = 5 sec.
Test = TD_MAN_01_PULL
wl=0121 fl=B:/ECALL/0121.txt

MSD Decoding :
MSD format version = 1
MSD Identifier = 1
Automatic Activation = TRUE
Test Call = TRUE
Position can be Trusted = TRUE
Vehicle Type = 1
ModelYear = ‘V’
SeqPlant = ‘ABCDEFG’
gasolineTankPresent = TRUE
compressedNaturalGas = TRUE
TimeStamp = 1661537341:
===> 26/08/22 18:09:01
Latitude Position = -199680018(mArcSec):
===> -55º 71554’47.278000" LAM#1137.579799
Longitude Position = -271809510(mArcSec):
===> -75º 71552’37.786000" LOM#1117.543829
Direction = 32
LocationN2 Delta(lati:long) = (0 : 127)
Passengers = 2
Add. Data OID Passengers = 2

Here is the used sample code.

const uint8_t MSD2[] =  { 0x01, 0x4C, 0x07, 0x80, 0xA6, 0x4D, 0x29, 0x25, 0x97, 0x60, 0x17, 0x0A, 0x2C, 0xC3, 0x4E, 0x3D, 0x05, 0x1B, 0x18, 0x48, 0x61, 0xEB, 0xA0, 0xC8, 0xFF, 0x73, 0x7E, 0x64, 0x20, 0xD1, 0x04, 0x01, 0x3F, 0x81, 0x00 };

eCallRef = le_ecall_Create();
StateChangeHandlerRef = le_ecall_AddStateChangeHandler(EcallStateChangeHandler, eCallRef);
result = le_ecall_ImportMsd(eCallRef, MSD2, sizeof(MSD2));
result = le_ecall_StartTest(eCallRef);

Hi fnoui,

Thanks for your reply, but I have some questions:

  • please, could you attach the Legato config tree params related to “modemServices/eCall”?
  • what do you mean with “E-Call from number “PSAP Number””? The PSAP number should be the destination number of an ECall, not the source one, right?
  • I’ve used le_ecall_StartManual to simulate a real ECall to a test PSAP (not a real one). Why this is not correct? Otherwise, how can I test le_ecall_StartManual/Auto if I don’t have a real emergency case?


Dear lucalevratti,

The answers are in red.

  • please, could you attach the Legato config tree params related to “modemServices/eCall”?
    smsc == +33689004000
    0 == GSM
    1 == UMTS
    2 == LTE
    psap == “Our test PSAP number”
    pushPull == Push
    maxRedialAttempts == 1
    vehicleType == Commercial-N1
    vin == VF7FC8HZC28708797
    0 == Diesel[/color]

  • what do you mean with “E-Call from number “PSAP Number””? The PSAP number should be the destination number of an ECall, not the source one, right?

    No, For an eCall estasblishement following EN 16062 “7.3.6 eCall establishment” you make a call using TS12 emergency call request equivalent to “112” with eCall flag set. To be clearer, it means that the PSAP will be reach through the standard emergency line.

For test purpose, you need to set up a call using Test call. Please see Note in the EN 16062 “7.1.4 IVS configured only for eCall”

NOTE 3 In accordance with ETSI/TS 122 101 —‘It shall be possible for the user equipment upon request from the user to initiate a call to an operator designated non-emergency MSISDN for the purpose of accessing test and terminal reconfiguration services.[/color]

  • I’ve used le_ecall_StartManual to simulate a real ECall to a test PSAP (not a real one). Why this is not correct? Otherwise, how can I test le_ecall_StartManual/Auto if I don’t have a real emergency case?
    Because le_ecall_StartManual launch a real eCall . It calls the PSAP through emergency call not a normal MSISDN in “modemServices/eCall/psap”.
    please see for more information the Table 10.5.135d/3GPP TS 24.008: Service Category information element
    Emergency Service Category Value (octet 3)
    The meaning of the Emergency Category Value is derived from the following settings (see 3GPP TS 22.101 [8] clause
    Bit 1 Police
    Bit 2 Ambulance
    Bit 3 Fire Brigade
    Bit 4 Marine Guard
    Bit 5 Mountain Rescue
    [/color][color=#40BF00]Bit 6 manually initiated eCall
    Bit 7 automatically initiated eCall[/color][color=#FF0000]
    Bit 8 is spare and set to “0”

To test your eCall implementation you need to use a network simulator combined with PSAP server. If you don’t have one use le_ecall_StartTest to valid your application.

Hereunder are 2 links to eCall system simulation platform: [/color]
Rohde & Schwarz [url][/url]

Anritsu [url][/url]

Hello everyone,

I also want to change the psap number, but I don’t know how I can do it.
I tried to change it via the le_cfg API like the following: [attachment=2]setpsap.txt[/attachment]

To test the reaction of the eCall app I commented the lines with the StartTest function:
// LE_FATAL_IF((le_ecall_StartTest(eCallRef) == LE_FAULT),
// “Unable to start an eCall, restart the app!”);
And this is the reaction: [attachment=1]logread without StartTest.txt[/attachment]
So far for me everything looks fine.

When I uncomment the said lines, the app crashes and says that an MSD has been already imported: [attachment=0]logread with StartTest.txt[/attachment]
Is it possible to change the PSAP number without using the le_ecall_ImportMsd function? Because I don’t know how to write the array for the MSD.

Thank you!

Additional information: It doesn’t matter if I call the setpsap after or before the le_ecall_SetMsdPosition function. I tried both ways, but this function always crashes.