eCallDemo app functionality not working

Hi, i am trying the eCallDemo app functionality and i have these errors in the log:

Jan  6 00:57:36 swi-mdm9x15 user.err Legato: =ERR= | modemDaemon[688]/le_pa_ecall T=main | pa_ecall_qmi.c OEMCheckResponseCode() 105 | Sending QMI_SWI_M2M_ECALL_CONFIG_REQ_V01 failed: rc=0, resp.result=1.[0x01], resp.error=3.[0x03]
Jan  6 00:57:36 swi-mdm9x15 user.err Legato: =ERR= | modemDaemon[688]/le_pa_ecall T=main | pa_ecall_qmi.c pa_ecall_SetPsapNumber() 782 | Could not configure the eCall
Jan  6 00:57:36 swi-mdm9x15 user.err Legato: =ERR= | modemDaemon[688]/modemDaemon T=main | le_ecall.c le_ecall_SetPsapNumber() 2178 | Unable to set the desired PSAP number!

Does anyone have encountered these problems? i am mentioning that i have an AR755X modem (automotive) and using legato 16.01 and i tried to set then psap number to a mobile phone number.

Any ideas are super helpful, thx

Hi Mihaipop,
We came across the similar problem once when we tried to initiate the ecall when already one ecall was in progress. Can you please check there is no other ecall in progress before you start the eCallDemo App.

Muralidhara N.