I am following the instructions given in the Getting Started Guide ( document 41112261), item A.1.3.
Command “update” worked fine with item A.1.2 ( update RedSensorToCloud).
Using “update helloWorld.wp85.update” with “#logread –f “ returns:
“ Jan 6 00:10:23 swi-mdm9x15 user.crit Legato: CRT | updateDaemon[682]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME file_CopyRecursive() 821 | No such path : ‘…/apps/drTool/read-only/bin/dr’
Jan 6 00:10:23 swi-mdm9x15 user.crit Legato: CRT | updateDaemon[682]/updateDaemon T=main | updateDaemon.c ApplyAppUpdate() 929 | Failed to install app ‘helloWorld<742ff9d390215aa55938a450630271ce>’.
Jan 6 00:10:23 swi-mdm9x15 user.err Legato: =ERR= | updateDaemon[682]/updateDaemon T=main | updateDaemon.c UpdateFailed() 420 | Update failed!! “
It seems a path is missing. What should I do to fix this issue?
Yes sorry I was wrong you can use app install or update for installing apps both work for me not sure what your issue is sadly im not an expert anyways
The “update service” copy and install the app into the target, I guess that the first action has been done with success but the installation doesn’t work.
Can you check please if the “update service” into your target work or not? “update --help” command display the help?
However, you can try to copy the app into the module with : scp helloWorld.wp85.update root@