DS 5.3.1 Debug session fails due to bad task 'Configure gdb'

I’m not able to start a debug session with Developer Studio 5.3.1.
I manage to build and run my application ‘test’.
When I start a debug session, the task ‘Reset gdb’ is executed fine, but, the task ‘Configure gdb’ fails.
The detailed info indicates that the gdbCfg command is called with DOUBLE arguments!
/legato/systems/current/bin/gdbCfg test test
gdbCfg only expects the app name as an argument, but, DS sends the app name 2 times.

How can I fix this?


Init GDB debug session
Execute 3 tasks

Reset gdb

(( /legato/systems/current/bin/gdbCfg test --reset ) || true)
Process exited with 0

Configure gdb
/legato/systems/current/bin/gdbCfg test test
Process exited with 1
Process output:
gdbCfg - Modify an app’s sandbox to make it suitable to run gdbserver.

     gdbCfg appName
     gdbCfg appName --reset
     gdbCfg appName
        Make gdbserver available in the /bin directory of the sandbox of an app.
     gdbCfg appName --reset
        Undo what "gdbCfg appName" does.
     gdbCfg --help
         Display this help and exit.

Skip Start test

Hi @annaertd

Please can you tell which Legato version you’re using?

I have built 2 custom Legato packages based upon 18.04:
one for WP85 (toolchain 1.7.3) and one for WP76 (toolchain 2.2.3).

I have added both as a package into DS 5.3.1.

The issue with the debug sessions occurs on both targets.

Hi @annaertd

Does it work with official SDK for WP76 Release 9?

By the way, you can give a chance to the “attach to running process” mode (since it doesn’t need gdbCfg to run). But maybe it doesn’t fit your need… (e.g. if you want to debug really early steps of your app)

Debugging with DS 5.3.1 works fine when I use the official SDK for WP76 R9.
Debugging does not work anymore when I use a Custom Legato package as Target Platform.
I did some tests with Custom Legato builds based upon legato releases 18.04 and 18.08, but, they behave the same.
When I change my Legato project settings back to a Built-in Target Platform, debugging works fine again.

The debugging process always stops at the command below, because DS 5.3.1 gives 2 arguments to gdbCfg, which is not allowed.
/legato/systems/current/bin/gdbCfg test test

Does somebody know which script is calling this command, or, is it embedded into DS ?

Hi @annaertd

Mmm, I’m afraid that this behavior (coming from legacy gdbCfg interface) is implemented directly in DS code. The most strange thing is that it works with 18.03, since gdbCfg doesn’t look to have changed in 18.04 and later.
We’ll look into this ASAP, and see if we can provide a patch or a workaround.

@daav any progress on this ?

Hi @FrancisDuhaut

Just working on it at the moment; with some luck, I should be able to propose a patch by the end of the week.

Great !
Thank for your quick answer


So, after some investigation, it appears that DS is calling gdbCfg correctly, depending on the Legato version.
Actually, I can’t reproduce the situation where DS calls gdbCfg with process names when unexpected.
It is supposed to do it only when the detected Legato version running on the target is < 16.07, to fit with the legacy behavior.

But we have another problem; even if the sandbox is correctly configured, gdbserver refuses to be executed from it

Jan 7 17:29:59 | supervisor[32120]/supervisor T=main | proc.c proc_Start() 1366 | Could not exec ‘bin/gdbserver’. Permission denied.

While if we run gdbserver from the terminal, it is working OK.

Unfortunately, the promised patch for the end of this week won’t happen now that it has been identified as issue on the embedded side. We continue investigating to identify the root cause, but it will be a Legato patch rather than a DS one.

Hello @daav

My problem was due to another thing.
At apps startup I start .sh script and the problem was inside.

Now I can debug with legato 18.08.0 without any issue.


For your information, problem has been identified and should be fixed in 18.10

Will let you know when the patch will be on Github, for early birds :wink:

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FYI, the patch has been pushed on github master branch


Just in case you want to cherry-pick before it will be integrated (target: 18.10)