DS 3.2 patch - "empty project" bug on AR7

Hi all,

we have noticed a bug in Developer Studio 3.2:
when a toolchain package is installed for AR7 module, the creation of Legato projects fail (i.e. the project is created in the workspace, but empty).

If you notice this problem, you can install the attached patch (compatible with Developer Studio
Installation instructions:
[li]Download the attached zip[/li]
[li]In Developer Studio, open the Help > Install New Software dialog[/li]
[li]Use the Add… button to point to the downloaded zip file[/li]
[li]Uncheck the Group items by category checkbox[/li]
[li]Select the patch, click Finish and follow the steps to finalize the installation (including Developer Studio restart)[/li][/ul]

[color=#FF0000]Important note:[/color] if you install this patch, you’ll need to remove it before performing any update of Developer Studio (i.e. when DS 3.3 will be available).

Please note that this problem will obviously be fixed in next Developer Studio 3.3 release.

In order to uninstall the patch:
from Devstudio: Help/Installation Details
In Installed Software tab, select the patch (should be “Patch for Legato project manager”…
and click on uninstall and then Finish