Difficulty in receiving sms in legato application using sms api service

Hi everyone,

I am using sms service to send and receive sms
sms send works fine but sms is not getting received using my application.

when I run my receive code i.e. le_sms_AddRxMessageHandler, then it gives some ‘memory pool overflow’ indication in logs
LE_FILENAME le_mem_ForceAlloc() 841 | Memory pool ‘.le_sms_ClientData’ overflowed. Expanded to 1 blocks.
and application is not executing ‘messageHandler’ function code.
as my all methods like sms_getType, sms_getTel, sms_getText etc are called in this handler function, it is not getting executed and sms text could not be retrieved.


LE_FILENAME InitPool() 303 | Memory pool name 'framework.hashMap_refle_sms_ClientHandler' is truncated to 'framework.hashMap_refle_sms_Cli'

 LE_FILENAME msgMessage_CreatePool() 112 | Pool name truncated to 'msgs-d26b22be0fe85bc15a90af10f7' for protocol 'd26b22be0fe85bc15a90af10f7d8a763'.

LE_FILENAME InitPool() 303 | Memory pool name 'framework.msgs-d26b22be0fe85bc15a90af10f7' is truncated to 'framework.msgs-d26b22be0fe85bc1'

 LE_FILENAME le_fdMonitor_Create() 672 | FD Monitor object name 'curlbasedproject.CurlBasedProjectComponent.le_sms' truncated to 'curlbasedproject.CurlBasedProje'.

 LE_FILENAME le_mem_ForceAlloc() 841 | Memory pool '.le_sms_ClientThreadData' overflowed. Expanded to 1 blocks.

le_sms_client.c DoConnectService() 391 | ======= Starting client for 'curlbasedproject.CurlBasedProjectComponent.le_sms' service le_sms_SetPreferredStorage() 3691 | Sending message to server and waiting for response : 4 bytes sent

 LE_FILENAME le_mem_ForceAlloc() 841 | Memory pool '.le_sms_ClientData' overflowed. Expanded to 1 blocks.

le_sms_AddRxMessageHandler() 612 | Sending message to server and waiting for response : 4 bytes sent

le_sms_RemoveRxMessageHandler() 686 | Sending message to server and waiting for response : 4 bytes sent

kindly give solution to receive sms .

I haven’t tried implementing sms receive, but what I can tell you is that the memory pool overflow is not a problem. It’s just a log message that indicates that the memory pool has been expanded to meet the allocation requirements.