Create dir in root directory before build

Hello, I would like to have folder sdcard in root directory.

I have created dir X in the next path:

In dir X i created file I edited it in such way:

LICENSE = "DmytroShytyiCEA"

do_install_append () {

    install -d ${D}$/sdcard

FILES_${PN} += "/sdcard"

However It seems did not help. After image build(yocto) and flash it to wp85XX folder did not appear. Could you please point what should be modified (fixed) to overcome with the appeared issue?

Best Regards,

You can add a directory into the root fs by modifying meta-swi-mdm9x15-bin/recipes/sierra/ and meta-swi-mdm9x15-bin/recipes/sierra/ inside meta-swi-extras. You can basically just copy what is done in that file for FLASH_MOUNTPOINT_LEGATO.