Bundle file outside sandbox


Is it possible to bundle file to filesystem and not inside app sandbox? For example,

          data.txt /mnt/userrw/ #/mnt/userrw/ should be path outside app sandbox

I read that it will be added in Legato 18.09. but I couldn’t find anything about this in release notes.
What could be solution to this problem? To bundle it to app sandbox and then copy it from sandbox to filesystem outside?

You can find the actual path by “find / -name data.txt” after you download the app to the module.
Please give a try.

I believe it will be inside the sandbox.

Yes it will be inside sandbox at /legato/systems/current/appsWriteable/myApp/mnt/userrw/data.txt. But my question was how to have it outside sandbox at /mnt/userrw/ ?

How about make the app to be unsandboxed?
Or copy the file to outside in console?

My app is unsandboxed.

sandboxed: false

        data.txt /mnt/userrw/

but file is created at /legato/systems/current/appsWriteable/myApp/mnt/userrw/data.txt and not at /mnt/userrw/data.txt

Is it possible to do with .adef file so I can directly write outside or I have to rely on copying file from /legato/systems/current/appsWriteable/myApp/mnt/userrw/data.txt to /mnt/userrw/data.txt ?

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I think the easiest way is to run system() api in your code and copy the data.txt to the new path.