I have an FX30s that connects to the network but fails to connect to AVMS
It is a WP7702 and running R15
I see these errors. Is there a way I can recover this unit. Cell connection is ok and I can get IP address from cellular network. I can also ping
Mar 21 18:06:44 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | avcControl[1348]/avcControl T=main | avcControl.c StatusHandler() 187 | Air Vantage agent reported update status: AUTHENTICATION_STARTED
Mar 21 18:06:44 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | osPortCredentials.c lwm2mcore_GetCredential() 178 | getting credential 3 for server 1: path ‘/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_IDENTITY’
Mar 21 18:06:44 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | secStore[1507]/le_pa_secStoreTz T=main | pa_secStoreTz.c ConfigTreeRead() 989 | Node not exist!! ‘/sys/2/apps/avcService/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_IDENTITY’
Mar 21 18:06:44 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | secStore[1507]/sfsSecStore T=main | pa_secStore_qmi.c sfsSecStore_Read() 2264 | Entry /sys/2/apps/avcService/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_IDENTITY not found in meta file.
Mar 21 18:06:44 fx30s user.err Legato: =ERR= | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | osPortCredentials.c lwm2mcore_GetCredential() 183 | Unable to retrieve credentials for 3: /avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_IDENTITY: -1 LE_NOT_FOUND
Mar 21 18:06:44 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | osPortCredentials.c lwm2mcore_GetCredential() 178 | getting credential 5 for server 1: path ‘/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_PSK’
Mar 21 18:06:44 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | secStore[1507]/le_pa_secStoreTz T=main | pa_secStoreTz.c ConfigTreeRead() 989 | Node not exist!! ‘/sys/2/apps/avcService/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_PSK’
Mar 21 18:07:48 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | avcClient.c EventHandler() 1033 | Authentication to BS failed
Mar 21 18:07:48 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | avcServer.c ProcessUpdateStatus() 1931 | Current session state: Authentication failed
Mar 21 18:07:48 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | avcControl[1348]/avcControl T=main | avcControl.c StatusHandler() 187 | Air Vantage agent reported update status: AUTHENTICATION_FAILED
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.err Legato: =ERR= | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | avcClient.c EventHandler() 863 | Session failure
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.err Legato: =ERR= | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | avcClient.c EventHandler() 871 | Session failure on bootstrap server
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.info Legato: INFO | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | avcServer.c ProcessUpdateStatus() 1931 | Current session state: Session failed
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | tpfServer.c tpfServer_GetTpfState() 79 | FW update install pending not found
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | secStore[1507]/le_pa_secStoreTz T=main | pa_secStoreTz.c ConfigTreeRead() 989 | Node not exist!! ‘/sys/2/apps/avcService/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_IDENTITY’
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | secStore[1507]/sfsSecStore T=main | pa_secStore_qmi.c sfsSecStore_Read() 2264 | Entry /sys/2/apps/avcService/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_IDENTITY not found in meta file.
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | osPortCredentials.c avcClient_FixBootstrapCredentials() 497 | Unable to read: /avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_IDENTITY
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | secStore[1507]/le_pa_secStoreTz T=main | pa_secStoreTz.c ConfigTreeRead() 989 | Node not exist!! ‘/sys/2/apps/avcService/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_IDENTITY_BACKUP’
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | secStore[1507]/sfsSecStore T=main | pa_secStore_qmi.c sfsSecStore_Read() 2264 | Entry /sys/2/apps/avcService/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_IDENTITY_BACKUP not found in meta file.
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | avcDaemon[1357]/avcDaemon T=main | osPortCredentials.c avcClient_FixBootstrapCredentials() 527 | Unable to read: /avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_IDENTITY_BACKUP
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | secStore[1507]/le_pa_secStoreTz T=main | pa_secStoreTz.c ConfigTreeRead() 989 | Node not exist!! ‘/sys/2/apps/avcService/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_PSK_BACKUP’
Mar 21 18:07:53 fx30s user.warn Legato: -WRN- | secStore[1507]/sfsSecStore T=main | pa_secStore_qmi.c sfsSecStore_Read() 2264 | Entry /sys/2/apps/avcService/avms/LWM2M_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_PSK_BACKUP not found in