AirVantage software updates never terminate with apps that reboot on fault

Hey all,

We’ve had some success with over the air app updates using AirVantage (see here), however I seem to have encountered a new issue.

The majority of our apps specify faultAction: reboot in the corresponding app definition files. This seems to cause over the air software update operations to linger and never complete (shown below). If we change the faultAction to restartApp, this issue goes away and the update completes normally.

From the targets perspective, this update seems to have worked as the version matches (e.g $ app version digitalService => 2.14.2). This makes me think the target is not reporting some final piece of information (final version check?) required by AirVantage.

If anyone has any ideas it’s much appreciated.


Hi @nvd,
We are not clear with your below statement, Can you please elaborate bit more?
From the targets perspective, this update seems to have worked as the version matches (e.g $ app version digitalService => 2.14.2 ). This makes me think the target is not reporting some final piece of information (final version check?) required by AirVantage.

Muralidhara N.

Hey @muralinagraj,

The issue is the update is never “finishes” in AirVantage, it just stays in the pending state (as shown in the screenshot). When connecting to the device over a local micro USB connection (with SSH), we can confirm the app is up to date by invoking the legato app version <appname>.

For units that we’re testing locally, this is fine as we can simply connect and verify the update, but this is insufficient for units in the field as we need a way to confirm the update worked.

Hopefully that clears things up,


Hi @nvd,
Using mangOH Red, WP8548 module and Release15 we tried to install the simple helloWorld application specifying faultAction: reboot in .adef file, We were able to install the application successfully from the Airvantage.

Can you please provide details on WP module you are using , firmware version , legato version and also if possible provide the application which you are not able to install successfully from the Airvantage.

Also is it 100% reproducible? it is happening for all the application or only for any specific App?

Muralidhara N.