GPIO access via Legato application


I am doing testing on GPIO of AR7550.
By following this page:


I can read the GPIO state via /sys/class/gpio/gpio10/value

However, when i try to access this directory inside legato application,

[code] LE_INFO(“Enter init_gpio”);
if (le_dir_IsDir(“/sys/class/gpio/gpio10”))
LE_DEBUG(“Gpio already initialized”);

   int fd;
   int value;

   fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/gpio10/direction", O_WRONLY);
   if (fd < 0)
      LE_DEBUG("Failed to open gpio10 direction\n");
      LE_DEBUG("gpio10 direction opened\n");
   write(fd, "in",2);
       fd = open("/sys/class/gpio/gpio10/value", O_RDONLY);
   	   if (fd < 0)
   	      LE_DEBUG("Failed to open gpio10 value\n");
   	      LE_DEBUG("gpio10 value opened\n");
   	   read(fd, &value,sizeof(int));
   	 LE_DEBUG("gpio10 value = %d\n",value);[/code]

It always returns “Failed to open gpio10 value”.
Do you know why?


It’s been my experience that you need to be root to get access to the hardware. A Legato application runs sandboxed with a non-root user by default.

Add the following line to your adef filesandboxed=falseand see if this helps.

I’m not in the office now, but will check my settings when I get back.

Ciao, Dave


Just to confirm, I needed to run my application unsandboxed to get access to the hardware ports. Putsandboxed: falsein your ADEF file to allow this.

ciao, Dave

Hi Dave,

Thx for your help!
It is working now!



Good to hear that your code is running now.

Thanks for letting us know you got it working.

Ciao, Dave

Hello, I have problem with GPIO42, I am trying to export GPIO42 such way:
echo 42 > /sys/class/gpio/export
but Legato responds sh: write error: Device or resource busy
I have already configured GPIO42 using AT command AT+WIOCFG=42,16,1,1,0,0,0 but i still receive this error, how can I unlock GPIO42?

I am also having this problem with “le_gpioPin42, oT0 - GPIO 1 (pin 24)”, both in code and at a simple command line interface:

root@swi-mdm9x15:/sys/class/gpio# echo 42 > export
sh: write error: Device or resource busy
root@swi-mdm9x15:/sys/class/gpio# on WP7504:

My firmware:
Firmware: SWI9X15Y_07.11.09.00 r32989 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2016/08/11 18:03:20
Bootloader: SWI9X15Y_07.11.09.00 r32989 CARMD-EV-FRMWR1 2016/08/11 18:03:20

Any Thoughts?

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