i am a new bee, when i use gpio apio to test my app,i got a error like this :
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | app.c app_Stop() 2731 | Stopping app ‘gpioDemo’
Oct 15 07:30:22 | _appStopClient[5228]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME CreateSocket() 550 | Socket opened as standard i/o file descriptor 2!
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | apps.c DeactivateAppContainer() 340 | Application ‘gpioDemo’ has stopped.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | app.c CreateTmpFs() 1204 | Mounted tmpfs at /legato/systems/current/appsWriteable/gpioDemo/tmp.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | app.c CreateFileLink() 1504 | Created file link ‘/tmp/legato/serviceDirectoryServer’ to ‘/legato/systems/current/appsWriteable/gpioDemo/tmp/legato/serviceDirectoryServer’.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | app.c CreateFileLink() 1504 | Created file link ‘/tmp/legato/serviceDirectoryClient’ to ‘/legato/systems/current/appsWriteable/gpioDemo/tmp/legato/serviceDirectoryClient’.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | resourceLimits.c SetRLimitValue() 282 | Setting resource limit maxCoreDumpFileBytes to value 524288.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | resourceLimits.c SetRLimitValue() 282 | Setting resource limit maxFileBytes to value 524288.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | resourceLimits.c SetRLimitValue() 282 | Setting resource limit maxLockedMemoryBytes to value 8192.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | resourceLimits.c SetRLimitValue() 282 | Setting resource limit maxFileDescriptors to value 256.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | resourceLimits.c SetRLimitValue() 282 | Setting resource limit maxMQueueBytes to value 512.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | resourceLimits.c SetRLimitValue() 282 | Setting resource limit maxThreads to value 20.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | resourceLimits.c SetRLimitValue() 282 | Setting resource limit maxQueuedSignals to value 100.
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[469]/supervisor T=main | proc.c proc_Start() 1190 | Starting process ‘gpioCf3Demo’ with pid 5229
Oct 15 07:30:22 | supervisor[5229]/supervisor T=main | proc.c proc_Start() 1155 | Execing ‘gpioCf3Demo’
Seems we are missing some of the log. And maybe it would be beneficial for us to see some of your code so that we can see if you are doing something wrong.
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HI @zx_310,
if you still face any issue, could you please share a completed log and as Andcor suggested a piece of your code, handling the gpio?
best regards,