Hi TBj,
we can’t do it manually directly on the target (actually we can add the script manually on the target in the user1/MTD4 partition,
but it will not be taken account during the bootup), so it needs to do it through Yocto by a regeneration of the rootFS.
The reason why we can’t do it manually on the target is that the startup executes scripts from read-only file system (MTD2 partition),
skipping the changes performed manually on the target (on the MTD4 partition).
It can be done in 2 ways:
- Via INITSCRIPT_PARAMS in yocto recipe:
You would need to specify run level for InIT script in INITSCRIPT_PARAMS at your yocto “recipe” ,as in our case it is rcS.
INITSCRIPT_NAME = “Your_startup_script”
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = “start 90 S . stop 60 S .” //90 is secquence level for script and 60 is stop sequence
Init_1.4.11 for refrence
- Via update-rc.d
Have shared sample recipe (initscripts) for it.
init_1.4.11.txt (567 Bytes)
initscripts.7z (750 Bytes)