Legato initialize new scripts

Hello guys! I build a new image for legato for WP7609 board. I add some applications for this new image, like lighttpd and net-snmp. I would like to know how can I start this applications at boot? I tried add some scripts in /etc/init/d and /etc/rcS.d, and both paths I can’t initialized them.
I’m too tried create a simple script to start in boot but It can’t started.
Someone could help me about this?

See if this helps you.

Hello jyijyi! Thanks for your answer!

I tried to modifty this file before ask at the forum and in my case, it didn’t work.
I would like to start lighttpd server and some scripts, like happens at buildroot initialization.
Could you help me?

Do you mean it is not ok by modifying /etc/init.d/startlegato.sh?

case “$1” in
echo “Legato start sequence 123”

echo 123 > /tmp/123.txt